How to Brainstorm Creative Ideas: 33 Tips, In 140 characters or Less

How many hours have you spent banging your head against a desk, desperately trying to find inspiration? We all bear the gross forehead bruises from this timeless struggle. Ethos3 is on a mission to end this pain. Presenting 33 different ways to brainstorm creative ideas, all within 140 characters or less for convenient sharing and Tweeting (they even include the URL)!

“Brainstorming” should really be called something less terrifying. Maybe “brainraining” or “brainsprinkling.” We’re confident you can come up with a nicer alternative after reading these tips.

  1. First, brainstorm alone. People generate 2x more ideas when working alone than in groups. via @FastCompany

  1. To brainstorm alone: Take a walk. Studies prove walking increases creativity.  via @nytimes

  1. Unplug. Connect to nature to boost creativity by up to 50%.  Via @HuffingtonPost

  1. Let yourself be bored. Boredom leads to creativity, research proves. via @slate

  1. Take a shower to get the ingredients for a creative epiphany: Dopamine, Distraction, and Relaxation. via @ buffer

  1. For group brainstorming, encourage dissent to increase the number of ideas by 25%. via @99u

  1. To generate game-changing ideas, challenge all of your assumptions about your topic of choice. via @OPENForum

  1. “We find our best ideas once we stop pretending that every idea is a good one.” via @washingtonpost

  1. “People’s reactions to ideas: Bad ideas: That’ll never work.  Good ideas: That could work. Great ideas: That’ll never work.” via @levie

  1. To brainstorm big ideas, sit in a room with high ceilings.  For analyzing ideas, sit in a smaller space. via @99u

  1. To generate creative ideas, connect less with others; isolate yourself temporarily. via @nytimes

  1. Don’t say: “the sky is the limit.”  Set boundaries and restrictions on ideas to boost creativity. via @GregoryCiotti

  1. Brainstorming is not a one step process. Ideas need to be incubated, sometimes for days or even weeks. via @crewlabs

  1. Try “brainwriting” instead of brainstorming. via @smashingmag

  1. “Brainswarming” is a new alternative to brainstorming.  Give it a try.  via @HarvardBiz

  1. Richard Branson suggests: Brainstorm in a creative environment. via @RichardBranson @EntMagazine

  1. Studies prove beer boosts creativity more than coffee. Maybe bring some when brainstorming. via @crewlabs @mikaelcho

  1. Don’t aim for a eureka breakthrough. Great ideas are created from many smaller ideas. via @FastCompany

  1. If you can’t brainstorm a solution, take a break. Studies show that incubation produces more results. via @newsweek

  1. Picasso created about 50,000 works; not all were masterpieces. Welcome bad ideas to be more creative. via @realsimple

  1. Use the round robin approach to get feedback from everyone (even introverts) during brainstorming. via @inspireUX

  1. Tangents are good when brainstorming, but assign a moderator to get ideas back on track eventually. via @designshack

  1. Brainstorm, then pick ideas that are SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-bound. via @designshack

  1. Ditch the office; go somewhere fun to create fresh ideas! Founder of Morphonix takes staff to the beach. via @inc

  1. Play pictionary when brainstorming. Draw ideas instead of writing or speaking them. via @OPENForum @smallbiztrends

  1. Be brief when sharing ideas during brainstorming.  This encourages imaginative interpretation. via @polleverywhere

  1. Don’t dwell on the details of ideas during brainstorming. Dwelling can kill creativity. via @HarvardBiz

  1. Stimulate ideas with a SWOT analysis: Strengths? Weaknesses? Opportunities? Threats? via @designtaxi

  1. Take notes when brainstorming. Otherwise some ideas will inevitably be forgotten. via @CreativeBloQ

  1. Don’t expect inspiration to deliver a finished product.  Brainstorming will inspire, not finish the job. via @TheWeek

  1. Spend some time brainstorming, then take a nap. Studies prove naps help the creative process. via @ lifehacker

  1. When brainstorming as a group, don’t allow more than a moment of silence.  Keep the ideas flowing. via @FastCompany

  1. Nobel prize winners have said: the hardest part of creating a brilliant idea, is asking the right question. via @CNN

Put a band-aid on those frustration injuries; you’re about to brainstorm your way out of any life problem. We hope you’ve enjoyed these bite-sized inspirations, come back soon to see the full “33 tips” series.

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