3 Effective Icebreakers for Virtual Presentations

Just because we’ve moved most meetings online these days doesn’t mean there’s no need for a good ol’ icebreaker before your presentation. In fact, it can be much harder to read a room virtually than in-person. We love the element of human connection and we know your audience will, too. Humanizing yourself and helping your audience warm up to you is a powerful tool to get them engaged and excited about your message. Here are some tools we’ve been trying out lately.

Get their wheels turning with a riddle

Want your talk to be memorable? There’s nothing like icebreakers that surprise and intrigue. If you can find a riddle that, even loosely, ties to your message, all the better! I’ve seen this done two ways. Some virtual presenters ask the riddle and have the audience mull it over, offering chances to share guesses at the end. Other presenters allow participants to pop their answers in the chat. Surprisingly, both ways worked, and weren’t distracting to their key messaging. Unsure where to source a good riddle? Check out this Reader’s Digest article!

Two Truths and a Lie

This one really gives your audience a chance to feel like they are being let in on a secret. Being vulnerable enough to share something personal can be scary for some presenters, but hey, that’s what icebreakers are for! You simply have to think about two surprising truths about yourself (think: places you’ve visited, people you know, experiences you’ve had), and one lie. Have participants put their answer in the chat and encourage participation by saying you’ll reveal the answer once everyone has guessed. Maybe even tell a little story about one of the more shocking truths to start off your talk and segue to your messaging.

Remember MTV Cribs?

Most of us are presenting from our home offices these days. Why not use that opportunity to let your audience get to know you by giving them a sneak peek of your workspace! MTV’s cribs was so popular because people felt connected to the host learning their design style and preferences. Maybe share why you keep a trinket on your desk, or who the people in the picture to your right are. You don’t have to give a whole tour of your house or make the entire presentation about you, but with the right presenter, icebreakers are a great source of entertainment.

No matter what your presentation is about, icebreakers are a great way to either kill the time before everyone has joined, or cut the tension. Hey, it may even help your nerves a bit! While we’re in business to help your presentations succeed, we know that presentations hinge completely on who is presenting them. Don’t be afraid to take a moment to be the star of the show and entertain your audience a bit! Feeling like you’ve got the interpersonal skills down, but need some design help? We’d love to give you an assist and even design your icebreaker for you! Reach out today for a free quote!

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