Most Americans fear public speaking more than dying. It is an event that can paralyze the most confident and best communicators. Extroverts and introverts alike struggle with public communication, too often falling trap to the infamous “Um…” or “Uh.”
Consider these basic principles before the next time you step up to the podium. They all start with “C” so they should be easy to remember:
Don’t expect the audience to hang on to your every word. You need to earn their respect and attention. Be innovative. Be creative. Cultivate their interest with carefully chosen words, gestures, visuals and actions.
Communicate… don’t talk. Every word you choose needs to have a purpose. Use them wisely. In addition, make sure every thought and new idea has a transition. Don’t jump from concept to concept. Simply, don’t make the audience think. Do the work for them.
Wow them with visual aids, audio samples, storytelling, etc. Go the extra mile to win them over.
Always provide evidence with your facts. Research and do your homework. Remember – developing trust with your audience is the hardest, but most rewarding thing you can do when communicating with a group.
Someone once said, “Success comes when opportunity meets preparation.” The lesson here is to prepare and then prepare some more. The more you know your material the more confident you will be. Knowledge is power.
Put these principles into practice and you will succeed with your next presentation.