Making Your Presentation 17 Again

Insert a slide about acne and another one illustrating the fact that absolutely NO ONE in the world, especially your parents, understands you and, poof!, your presentation is 17 again.  Not quite.  This isn’t Hollywood and you aren’t Zac Efron.  Although it is tempting to reach back to your own experience when you are trying to communicate with the younger generations, it’s not necessarily the most effective strategy.

The Millennial Generation, which includes those born between 1980 and 2000, has a bad rap already and its members are barely out of school and into the work force.  This generation presents some intriguing issues when it comes to how to best reach them, but considering that it is almost as large as the Baby Boom Generation, no one can afford to ignore them.  Everyone agrees that it’s quite a challenge to get Millennials to “pay their dues” to corporate America, but you can communicate with them effectively, which just might inspire them to do a little grunt work.

Find the Meaning

The one trait that defines this generation more than others is the idea that Millennials are seeking meaning in their lives.  While this certainly isn’t a crime, it makes Millennials less likely to listen to messages that don’t “speak” to them.  To reach this generation, it’s more important than ever to explain to them why they should care about what you are saying.  In order for Millennials to devote themselves to anything, they must first feel that it’s a meaningful endeavor for them.

Technologically Speaking

This generation doesn’t remember a world without rapid technological advancement.  After all, these guys grew up with digital media.  To catch their attention, you’ll need to use up-to-date technology, graphics and media in your presentations.  Standard slides with boring bullet points mean little to most of us and virtually nothing to Millennials.  Using innovative technology and mixing social network applications like Twitter into your presentation communication will help you earn the respect and the attention of the Millennial audience.

Smarten Up

Research shows that Millennials value intelligence, especially when it comes to marketing and business.  With a strong desire to also learn, they seek out opportunities that will teach them something new.  Millennials are generally very educated, and they want to learn something from you and your presentation.  Don’t expect this generation to respond to empty humor and silly stories that don’t have some sort of lesson.  All of this is not to say that you can’t have fun with them, though.  Just make sure it’s the type of fun that leads to a deeper understanding of your message.

Leave No Man Behind

Members of the Millennial Generation grew up with strong parental involvement and are used to leadership.  They want to respect you as a leader.  They also want to look out for each other.  This generation tends to be team-oriented and responsive to messages that revolve around community.  Rather than ask the question, “What’s in it for me?” Millennials will ask, “What’s in it for us?”  Because of this trait, messages that convey a benefit to all involved prove most successful.




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