"Hey, you kids are probably saying to yourselves: I’m gonna go out there and grab the world by the tail! And wrap it around and pull it down and put it in my pocket. Well, I’m here to tell you that you’re probably going to find out, as you go out there, that you’re not going to amount to jack squat!" (Chris Farley as Matt Foley, Saturday Night Live)

Yeah, Chris Farley’s character wasn’t the best motivational speaker out there, but he always gave it his all.  Even if you don’t like public speaking as much as Matt Foley, you’ll be asked to deliver many presentations throughout your career.  In the case that you enjoy presenting, you’ll probably be asked to do it more than you’d like.  With all of this presenting, how does one stay motivated?

Break Out the Red Bull & Vodka

Maybe you’re a person who really needs the energy drink jolt.  If you know that about yourself, have at it.  If you aren’t a frequent Red Bull or Rock Star drinker, don’t use your next presentation as an opportunity to experiment.  Breaking out the Red Bull and vodka is really a suggestion that you be social with your audience before your presentation.  By interacting with your audience, you will have a better idea of what they expect from you, and you might even find that they are excited to hear you speak.  Knowing your audience is behind you is great motivation to give a stellar presentation.

Know What Makes You Tick

Are you someone who gets energized by interacting with others or do you prefer spending time alone in a van down by the river to gear up for a big event?  Understanding how you work and how you get energy is important when you are trying to motivate yourself.  If running laps around the conference room before a meeting gets you jazzed, do that.  If you have a competitive nature, think about how your presentation will be better than everyone else’s.

Choose to Believe

If you have the option, choose presentation topics that genuinely interest you.  Believing in what you say and liking what you talk about makes for a easier time in motivating yourself to prepare and deliver the presentation.  If you don’t particularly connect with your topic, present it in a way that is interesting to you.  You’re much more likely to get enthused about the presentation regardless of the subject, if you enjoy the story you’re telling.

Accentuate the Positive

If you’re having trouble getting motivated about your next presentation, try to look on the bright side.  Yes, it might seem Pollyanna-ish, but it works. How does giving this presentation help your career?  How does the presentation help your audience?  If you feel that the presentation holds no value for anyone, remember that once you’ve prepared and delivered it, it’ll be over and out of your life.  Is that motivation enough?


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