Creating Addictive Charisma

We know it when we see it. That girl walks in the room, she’s not real flashy – or even that attractive – but you cannot take your eyes off of her. She radiates energy, she’s cool under pressure, she’s comfortable in her own skin, and she – somehow – makes you feel all these qualities in yourself a little bit more.

My friend, that is charisma.

When someone really has it, you know it. It may be hard to put into words, but the thing itself is unmistakable. Although charisma can be enhanced by outward decorations, it’s really something that comes from the inside. That’s why the Plain Jane is getting all the attention in the room full of wanna be supermodels. It’s the same reason that your quiet IT guy is dating that hotty he brought to the company picnic.

Charisma is so powerful because we all want it. If we already have it, we seek out others of our kind. If we don’t, we’ll make fools of ourselves to get closer to it. The good news is that creating charisma is something we can all become better at if we just make a little effort.

Here’s the deal –


A big part of charisma is energy. If you come to your presentation acting like you’ve been up all night or like you couldn’t care less about being on stage, it shows. Energy creates energy, and if you make people feel enlivened and excited they will love you. Luckily, energy is largely a matter of life-habits. Exercise, diet and sleep are your new best friends. Treat them right and they won’t let you down.

Stay Centered

One thing that is attractive about charismatic types is their seeming unflappability. Consider Yoga, painting or some other hobby that can help you find – and grow – your cool, calm center.

Slow is Suave

When a speaker talks too fast it comes off as frantic and flustered. Speaking slowly when you present is gutsy, and it draws people in.
Space is the Place – Be aware of the space around you when you present, and pay attention to how you move your body. Working the room requires an expanded awareness. Learning how to speak to every member of your audience will make them crave your next presentation.

Pursue your Passions

Participate in your passions in life. Not only will this give you a much needed break from all of your hard work, but it will allow you to really embody the things you love most. You’ll inevitably find ways to bring this enthusiasm to play in your presentations, and your audiences will be clamoring for more. 


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