Once a medium that was out of reach for anyone without a huge budget – and a high level of expertise – video has now become the messenger of choice for companies, firms and agencies in any number of industries. Video is now within reach of anyone with a couple hundred bucks and the desire to tap into the Internet’s access to audiences around the world.

In addition to its new-found accessibility, video offers a range of possibilities for marketing and it opens up brand new frontiers for your presentation to reach out beyond the meeting room or the conference hall, employing all the tools and techniques that heart desires.

Crazy Content

If your idea of mind blowing content is a run-of-the-mill magazine ad with stock photography, video may prove to be a bit overwhelming. However, if you are always yearning for the next level expression for your latest product or idea, video has it all:  text, voice-over, graphs, charts and special effects, music and sound. With a killer combination of all this crazy content, just few minutes of video can create a huge wave of traffic for your site.

Sticky Fingers

Nowadays, even bands like the Rolling Stones rely on online, viral marketing to continue selling out their world-wide tours. Once you’ve created the Citizen Kane of presentation videos, the next step is to get it seen. Social networking, blog posting, YouTube video channels, and email embedding are just a few of the ways that you can get your video shared with everyone in your network – and their network – and so on, and so on…

Custom Creation

Whether you base your video onslaught on YouTube or on another site that you may prefer, one of the most important aspects of marketing your video is to customize it. On YouTube you can create channels and playlists. You can embed one short video, or an entire series of presentations that all speak to the same subject. Don’t limit yourself, explore the possibilities and make your videos really stand out!

Video is one of the most powerful tools you can use. It is far more compelling that a print ad or even a static web page. It is also capable of extending your reach to a nearly unlimited degree. Everyone enjoys television and movies, and millions of people spend a lot of quality time on YouTube and other video sites.

Meet them half-way with a video of your own!

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