Here at Ethos3, we have a saying: “if you’ve slept in the last 72 hours, you’re not busy enough”. We’re right in the middle of one of our busiest seasons ever doing the job we actually do–building presentations that cause audiences to burst into flames the moment our clients open their mouths. That’s a little misleading–it’s more of a tingling sensation than a “burning alive” feeling–but that’s the day-in-a-life for the content and design team around here.
When you find yourself speeding along the highway at probably unsafe speeds, sometimes the only option is to mash the gas pedal to the floorboard and see what 120 feels like. In less than a month, our CEO Scott Schwertly’s book will hit the shelves all across America. About a month after that, we’ll host the 1st Annual Hook: The Presentation Conference here in Nashville, TN. A month after that we’re going to see what we can do about traffic jams for you.
For the majority of business professionals and experts, presentations are without a doubt among the greatest opportunities that can fall into the proverbial lap. It’s big business–high paid executives take weeks preparing for these events, and over 30 million are delivered daily across the globe. But while we trend-watch nearly every other field in the world, no conference brings the best and brightest presenters from around the world to a single place to discuss how you can be more effective with your stage time. The only reason not to attend would be the insane belief that there is no difference between a good and great presentation–that the difference wouldn’t more than cover the price of admission. That’s not a very good reason.
So here’s the deal: it’s giveaway time. But you have to do something, first. For a free Hook ticket:
1. Comment below and give us a killer reason why you need to be at Hook: The Presentation Conference. We’ll need your full name and a valid email address.
2. Visit the Ethos3 Facebook Fan Page and “Like” us.
3. Follow us on Twitter – @ethos3.
We will be choosing a winner on Monday, February 7th. You’ll be verified (make sure you use your full name so we can crosscheck the comments with the Facebook likes) and “numbered” (one per commenter), and then we’ll use to select the winner. You’ll have to deal with travel and accommodations, but the Hook ticket–a $595 value–will help you earn it all back and then some quite easily.