The general mood among the Ethos3 crew of late has been one of jittery, awkward excitement. Hook: The Presentation Conference is one of those odd events that gets you psyched up, but way too soon. It’s sort of like walking into Target the day after Halloween to see the Christmas aisle in full swing: “Oh, yeah! Santa!” you think, but then, almost immediately after, you think, “It’s 75 degrees out…”
The keynote speakers at Hook this year will undoubtedly make Santa seem like a pathetic excuse for holiday cheer. After all, Santa is one of those give-a-man-a-fish types: he’ll get you that iPhone, but he’s not too concerned with whether or not you can get yourself an iPhone whenever you please. In fact, he’d probably prefer you couldn’t: if we could all get the things we wanted whenever we wanted them, the North Pole’s unemployment figures would reach double digits faster than the fat man could write up an elvish stimulus package.
So who are these Santa-eclipsing presentation magnates? Why, I’m glad you asked! For the 2011 Hook conference, we’ll be hearing from Michael Hyatt, Scott Stratten, and Gary Vaynerchuk (alphabetical by last name; how else could you possible order names like these?).
Michael Hyatt is a principle thought-leader in worldwide publishing. As CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers, he’s full of insights on content in the digital age. But his savvy doesn’t end there. He’s an expert on the stage. He has to be: in an industry changing like his, riding the wave depends on presentations.
Scott Stratten is a social media expert and author of UnMarketing, a book that examines the new realities facing corporations as they try to connect with an audience. He’ll have tremendously valuable insights for Hook attendees looking to take their message straight to the heart.
Gary Vaynerchuk has the big picture. He sees a world map where others see an informational black hole. It’s one thing to deliver a great presentation; it’s an entirely separate task to situate the individual presentations into a communications program that works in the modern age. He’ll bring insights to the table that will promote a deeper understanding of the digital landscape and what it means to really communicate today.
As a trio, these keynote speakers will unpack the reality facing serious presenters today. From getting the presentation out there effectively to the nuts and bolts you need to cover, they’ll cover it all. If you’re serious about delivering mind blowing presentations, you need to be at Hook March 25th and 26th. It’s not often that presenters of this caliber are all speaking at the same event. In fact, it’s never happened before. So be there, or be square!
Question: Why are you attending Hook? What do you hope to learn?