Recently, I had the privilege of listening to Allison Fallon share a quick TED-like talk to a room full of storytellers. Allison is an author of 12+ books, a writer’s coach, and sought after speaker. She opened her presentation with a fact that was both surprising and inspiring. She shared that, according to new studies, writing for just 20 minutes a day for 4 days in a row results in an improved mood, makes people more likely to get promoted, and leads to people being 50% less like to visit a doctor for cold and flu. I was so surprised by this information that I wondered if I had just heard her correctly. The idea that writing could lead not only to creative benefits but also to health benefits was shocking.
At Ethos3, we believe presenters are the thought leaders and innovators of new ideas. So it’s important to constantly be developing not just our creative ability but our whole self. Whether you’re a corporate sales person, a motivational speaker, or an elementary school teacher, the importance of honing your creativity and taking care of yourself is the same.
If we know that writing is beneficial, why don’t we spend more time doing it? Chances are it’s because we have made one of these 3 excuses.
I’m not a writer.
For me, this was the excuse I clung to for the early years of my presentation career. I had convinced myself I wasn’t a writer and because I wasn’t a writer, I shouldn’t waste my time trying. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, we’re all writers; some of us just choose not to put the pen to the paper or strike the keys of a keyboard.
If you are unsure where to start, try this. Pick up a writing prompt book from a local bookstore. Then each day, open the book and begin to write about whatever it prompts. As you begin to write daily, you will find themes of your creativity bleeding through. Use those themes to expand and craft your writing style as you continue to practice.
As a presenter, falling victim to this excuse causes you to become stagnant in your creative process. It will keep your ideas bottled up with no way for the world to experience them, and as a thought leader, you’re doing yourself and your industry a disservice.
I don’t have time.
Let’s face it – we live in an extremely busy culture. The rat race of life not only limits our time but often leaves us tired and ready to unwind at the end of our day, which makes taking time to write every day a difficult pill to swallow. But we can all admit that we waste time throughout the day. Now that may or may not come as a surprise, but with the invention of technology, even the most focused presenters waste some time in their days.
Don’t believe us? Try tracking your life for a week; write down and record everything you do and for how long. Then, add up the total of hours spent checking your social media or watching Netflix – the total might surprise you. Commit to cutting back that time by 20 minutes a day and schedule in time to write instead.
Not every time waster is bad, but if your excuse for not bettering your creativity and yourself as a whole is a lack of time, try prioritizing your time in healthier, more effective ways. Chances are, once you examine how you spend your time, you’ll realize you actually have a lot of time available to spend honing your skills instead.
I don’t have anything to say.
This excuse is a funny one, because as presenters, we actually have a lot to say. It’s how most of us make a living, but when it comes to writing, we are also the first to make this excuse. There’s something about writing that scares our thoughts back inside of us. Maybe it is the permanence of the pen and paper or the uncomfortableness that comes with writing rather than speaking, but whatever it is, we must push back on this excuse so that we don’t hold ourselves back.
There is something very therapeutic about writing down your thoughts and ideas. Try writing out your new idea or creative dream before you ever share it in a presentation format. This allows space for you to develop your ideas in a creative incubator until it is ready to share with the world.
As a presenter, you are a thought leader and as a thought leader, there are always new ideas running through your head. Writing them down gives you a way to get them out of your head and into the world.
For presenters, writing may feel uncomfortable and out of the ordinary, but it doesn’t have to be. Writing is a chance for you to express yourself in a personal way before you express yourself publicly. Don’t allow these excuses to stop you, because although it may feel uncomfortable at first, it will not only elevate your next presentation, it will even improve your health.
Looking for more insight into how to knock your next presentation out of the park? Check out the Presentation Mentor online course today.