7 Questions with… Scott Stratten

1.     You’ve done your fair share of public speaking. What are the first three words you think of when you hear the word ‘presentation’?

Since I do only keynotes, a presentation, or at least a good one, is a performance. One that gets people to want to listen and learn. If you just go through the motions every time, it’s called a lecture 🙂

2.     What’s something that automatically makes you think “No!” during a speech or presentation? 

Telling people to turn off their phones. If playing Angry Birds is more exciting than your talk, that’s not the audiences fault. I want people on their phones when I’m talking, tweeting what I’m saying, sharing my content. I want it to be so good they don’t want to miss a second, but so amazing they want to tweet/share/send every line. 

Also reading from your slides. If everything you say is on the screen, you don’t need to be there. Slides should enhance your talk, not be it. 

3.     What can presenters learn from your new book The Book of Business (Un)Awesome?  

Outside of the chapter on speaking tips and panels, it’s the fact that we’re branding/marketing with everything we do, that includes before and after our talks. If we’re engaging on stage and aloof off, that hurts your brand. Your voice should be the same on social media, in person and on stage. 

4.     What role does storytelling play in your business life? How important is it? 

Storytelling is everything. The best compliment I got was from my friend Mitch Joel who called me a storyteller on stage. Stories are what makes content our own. I’ve used them through all of my business endeavors. 

5.     What qualities make a presentation particularly memorable to you?

Compelling content and humor. Make me laugh and I’ll start listening. Make me think and I’ll keep listening. 

6.     If you could give a presenter just one piece of advice, what would it be? 

Be able to do your talk without your slides just in case something goes wrong. Then do it on purpose. 

7.     What’s next for you? 

Catching a plane to Raleigh for my next talk! See ya!


SCOTT STRATTEN is the President of Un-Marketing. He is an expert in Viral, Social, and Authentic Marketing which he calls Un-Marketing. It’s all about positioning yourself as a trusted expert in front of your target market, so when they have the need, they choose you.

Formerly a music industry marketer, national sales training manager and a Professor at the Sheridan College School of Business, he ran his “UnAgency” for a nearly a decade before solely focusing on speaking at events for companies like PepsiCo, Adobe, Red Cross, Cirque du Soleil, Saks Fifth Avenue and Fidelity Investments when they need help guiding their way through the viral/social media and relationship marketing landscape.

He now has over 125,000 people follow his daily rantings on Twitter and was just named one of the top 5 social media influencers in the world on Forbes.com. It’s the only time he’s felt comfortable being compared to Ashton Kutcher, P Diddy and Justin Bieber.

His book “UnMarketing: Stop Marketing. Start Engaging” became a national bestseller before it was released, and recently a Globe and Mail #1 Business best-seller, National Post, Amazon.com, Amazon.ca and Amazon UK best-seller.

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