7 Ways to Become a Better (Primitive) Presenter

Let’s face it.  We live in a cluttered world.  Personally, I’m sick of it.  In fact, I just cancelled my data plan on my mobile phone and have transitioned to only checking email 2 times a day.  Trust me, it has been tough, but I can see and feel the difference.  I am no longer being disturbed by “mini-emergencies.”  Rather, I am controlling my life and living proactively rather than becoming reactive to my email and list of to-do items.  It feels great.

These same rules of simplicity can be applied to the presenter in all of us.  We all get stressed over presentations.  We wait until the last minute.  We feel rushed.  We feel behind.  It ends today.  Thus, what I want to share with you today are 7 lessons I have acquired over the past few weeks in my attempt to have the “primitive life.”  The result:  I have become a more productive person which has helped me to prepare, design, and deliver better presentations.

1.  Wake Up Early
Our ancestors went to bed when the sun set and woke up when the sun was rising.  It’s how our bodies are programmed.  If you want to become sharper, more vibrant, and feel more productive – wake up early.  Do this everyday and you will see some astonishing results.

2.  Eat Primitively
Again, our ancestors ate what was provided on the earth.  This includes things like nuts, berries, fish, and “real” meat.  We have grown too comfortable with processed foods and sugars.  You wonder why you feel like crap?  Look at your diet.  How much of it is truly natural? 

3.  Move
Our ancestors also used to walk 12 miles a day simply to avoid becoming prey to some vicious creature.  Move and you may survive.  It’s classic Darwin principles of Survival of the Fittest.  Study after study has been done correlating mental performance with athletic performance.  The more active you are the sharper your mind becomes.  It’s that simple.  Move.

4.  Don’t Complain
Life is hard enough.  You will have your ups and downs.  What value does complaining or crying add to the situation.  If anything, it just sets you back.  Stop complaining – now!

5.  Sleep Well
Get your 8 hours or whatever works best for you.  The bottom line:  if you sleep well, you will think well.  Also, don’t be shy about taking a short afternoon nap.  It can do wonders.

6.  Explore
Don’t be afraid to explore and try new things.  It’s how we are wired naturally. 

7.  Communicate Simply
Think of social platforms like Twitter – 140 characters or less.  It’s truly an example of simplicity at it’s finest.  Now, think of hieroglyphics.  They also capture simplicity at it’s finest, but in a visual form.  These are 2 reasons to keep your communication simple and to the point.  The world already has enough clutter so get to the point.

I challenge you today to start embracing some of these rules in your own life.  If you do, you will feel more productive and most importantly – you will feel happier.

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