A Presentation They Can't Refuse

Sure a cold-blooded Mafia kingpin like The Godfather trilogy’s Michael Corleone might seem like an unlikely hero for a presentation geek, but we at Ethos3 would beg to differ. As honest-to-goodness presentation geeks we can assure you that one could do far worse than turning to the shark-like, youngest son of the Corleone clan for advice on knockin’ ’em dead at your next presentation.

Although he is better known for his persuasive powers behind-the-scenes, no one can deny the man’s overwhelming charisma. How many times does Michael get whole rooms of grown men to jump with little more than a whisper?

Of course, you don’t have the imminent threat of bodily harm – or worse – on your side when you take to the stage, but that’s no reason not to look to your Godfather for wisdom on how to get people to see things your way. Remember, a good presenter takes advice where he finds it. Keep and open mind – and an open heart – and listen when your Godfather is talking to you…or else…

Strictly Business
If you only learn one thing from Michael, learn this. Sure it’s fun to design your slides and geek out over just-the-right-font, but this isn’t a graphic design class. Yes it’s important to put on some great duds, get your shoes shined and your haircut so you look great on stage, but this isn’t a fashion show. Chances are, you’re giving your presentation for a reason, and its success is going to reflect on the success of your company – and on your career. This is business. It’s important to have fun, but this is serious fun, and you are in it to win it.

You Broke My Heart
In the second Godfather film, Michael realizes that his brother Fredo was connected to an attack on him and his family. His first reaction is to tell Fredo that his heart has been broken. Although you need a bit of cold-blooded drive to “kill” your audience, never forget that every person in the room needs to feel your feelings when you present. Share your heart and your success as a presenter will bring success to your whole family, whom you love most of all.

Be the Best
Your Godfather never settles for second best and he doesn’t want you to either. Before the first movie ends, Michael takes the reigns from Marlon Brando and immediately breaks the peace – not to start another war – but to decapitate every enemy family by killing the  top man in each organization. Dream big! Think big! Reach way out and take it all! Don’t be satisfied being playing a prince when you should be The King. Oh yeah – call your mother!

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