Got a big presentation coming up?
Don’t settle for “informative but lame.” You need more than bullet points and statistics, more than colorful font, more than the audience nodding along mechanically while they send text messages under the conference table. You need…
DECK ‘EM!: A Novel Approach to Presentation Design
Deck ‘EM! is a fast-paced, pop culture-filled parable from author, Jake Greene, and presentation guru, Scott Schwertly. This 23-page eBook shows readers how to design and deliver presentations that are current, captivating, and memorable.
What are others saying about Deck ‘EM?
Like comic strips? Like stories that teach? Don’t have a lot of time to read? You’ll enjoy Deck ‘Em! A Novel Approach to Presentation Design and learn how to smarten your presentations, too.” – Cliff Atkinson, author of Beyond Bullet Points
Scott Schwertly of Ethos3 co-wrote a cool ebook with Jake Greene. It costs a few bucks, but is worth it. It’s called Deck ’Em: A Novel Approach to Presentation Design.” – Nancy Duarte, author of Slideology
I have been thinking for the past year or so that someone should try to teach presentation design skills by writing a story about a poor suffering employee struggling to design a presentation. I thought of doing it myself, although my publisher told me he didn’t think it would sell. But now someone has done it, and quite nicely.” – Andrew Abela, author of Advanced Presentations by Design
Don’t just impress your audience, Deck ‘em! They’re askin’ for it.
Buy Deck ‘EM: A Novel Approach to Presentation Design for just $7.99