How To Embed Presentations – On LinkedIn and Your Website

If you’re investing a lot of time and energy in your presentations, you need to know how to get the maximum return on your input of valuable resources. Learning how to embed your presentations on your website and on your LinkedIn profile will help you get the most out of your presentations. Embedding your presentations is easy, but most importantly it is an effective way to get your presentation in front of the world.

For example, if you designed a presentation for your sales team to use on their iPads when they are educating prospects over coffee or lunch, you should also use the sales deck to reach prospects you haven’t met yet by embedding the deck in a blog post about your products and services.

If you created a presentation for the promotion of your soon-to-be-published book, don’t reserve your promo deck exclusively for conferences or marketing events. Put your slides to good use by embedding it on blog posts that you publish on your LinkedIn profile. For example, consider writing a LinkedIn blog post about the process of writing your book, and embed your promotional presentation at the end of the post. Your LinkedIn network will love reading about the behind-the-scenes process of publishing a book, and as a result, readers will likely be inspired to flip through your slides. If, at the end of your promotional presentation, you include a call-to-action to buy your book, your sales will probably get a nice boost from the exposure your presentation receives on LinkedIn.

The possibilities are endless for how you can use embedded presentations to promote your projects. Get creative, have fun with it, but whatever you do – don’t let your presentations go to waste. Embed everywhere you can, and watch the number of views on your presentation grow exponentially.

How To Embed Presentations

Step #1: Upload Presentation To SlideShare

Embedding presentations is simple, thanks to the easy-to-use embed feature on SlideShare.

1. To take advantage of the helpful embed feature, open a free SlideShare account, if you don’t already have one.

2. Next, upload your presentation to your SlideShare account.

3. Once your presentation is available to view on your SlideShare profile, click on the blue, hyperlinked title underneath your uploaded presentation to open the presentation in a new window.

4. Once the new window opens, click the share button underneath your presentation.

5. Copy the embed code from the share window.

embed powerpoint blog website


Step #2: Embed into WordPress Blog Post

1. With the embed code from SlideShare copied, open a blog post from within your WordPress dashboard.

2. Once the blog post is open in WordPress, click the text tab in the top right corner of the editor.

3. Paste the embed code into the text tab of the editor.

4. Click back to the visual tab to adjust the placement of the embedded presentation if necessary.

embed powerpoint blog slideshare

This is what your presentation will look like once embedded:


Step #3: Embed into a LinkedIn Blog Post

1. Follow all of the steps from #1 of this blog post.

2. With the embed code from SlideShare copied, open a blog post from within your LinkedIn profile.

3. Paste the SlideShare embed code into the add media window, which can be accessed via this icon: <> (in the upper right corner of the blog post editor).

embed presentation linkedin blog post


Don’t let your presentation collect virtual dust on your computer desktop. You worked hard on your slides, so let your slides go to work for you. To get the best return on your presentation investment, embed your presentation on your website, on your LinkedIn profile, and as many other relevant places as possible. The more people who see your message, the more success you will enjoy.

Additional Resources:

How To Create A Winning Presence on SlideShare

How To Turn A PowerPoint Presentation Into A Video

PowerPoint Tutorial: Use Color Overlays with Photos

33 PowerPoint Tips in 140 characters or Less

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