In the movie Zoolander, Ben Stiller plays the dimwhitted male model of Derek Zoolander. In his quest to maintain his position as the top male model, he has spent years crafting his new look – “Magnum.” The irony is that his new look isn’t any different than his other looks of Blue Steel, Ferrari, and Le Tigre. They are all the same which is unfortunate since everything we do nonverbally matters especially our facial expressions.
According to a study by UCLA a few years ago, 93% of human communication is nonverbal. Thus, it always amazes me when presenters hide behind a podium which covers 75% of their body. Move away from the podium and let people see your nonverbal communication. The bottom line… everything you do with your hands, your posture, and your facial expressions matter. Switch it up a bit. What’s your Magnum?