PowerPoint is one of the most popular tools for creating and delivering presentations, but a lot of people are still unaware of how to use it as quickly and efficiently as possible.
There are a ton of shortcuts you can use that’ll significantly reduce your prep time. But because there are so many, it’s tough to find the ones you’ll actually use when you need ‘em, so we created a cheat sheet of the most useful ones.
Bookmark this page and use it whenever you’re working in PowerPoint to ensure you’re maximizing your time and efforts. The first set of shortcuts are for PowerPoint while the second set of shortcuts are to be used with Keynote.
Create a new slide | Ctrl + M | Shift + ⌘ + N
Duplicate a selection or slide | Ctrl + D
Left align | Ctrl + L | ⌘ + }
Right align | Ctrl + R | ⌘ + {
Center align | Ctrl + E | ⌘ + |
Bold format | Ctrl + B | ⌘ + B
Italic format | Ctrl + I | ⌘ + I
Underline | Ctrl + U | ⌘ + U
Create line break | Shift + Enter
Undo | Ctrl + Z | ⌘ + Z
Redo | Ctrl + Y | ⌘ + Y
Copy selection | Ctrl + C | ⌘ + C
Cut selection | Ctrl + X | ⌘ + X
Paste copied or cut selection | Ctrl + V | ⌘ + V
Select all objects | Ctrl + A | ⌘ + A
Cancel | Esc
Spellcheck | F7 | ⌘ + ;
Insert hyperlink | Ctrl + K
Stop or restart slideshow | S | Esc
Hide the pen/pointer | Ctrl + H | C
Choose a new shape | Alt + U
Group selected objects | Ctrl + G | ⌥ + ⌘ + G
Ungroup selected objects | Ctrl + Shift + G | ⌥ + Shift + ⌘ + G
Increase font size | Ctrl + ] | ⌘ + (+)
Decrease font size | Ctrl + [ | ⌘ + (-)
Select multiple objects | Shift + Left click | Click and drag across all items
Zoom in and out | Ctrl + Mouse wheel | ⌘ + >, ⌘ + <
View presentation from beginning | F5 | ⌥ + ⌘ + P
Open font dialog | Ctrl + T
Shortcuts are a quick and easy way to elevate your design skills and improve your overall presentation. Take the time to memorize them I promise it’s worth it.
Looking to elevate your presentation skills beyond a standard PowerPoint presentation? Then check out the Presentation Mentor Online course today.