Presentation Revolution: How to Build, Design and Deliver an Epic Online Presentation

If you were able to join me yesterday for the “Presentation Revolution: How to Build, Design and Deliver an Epic Online Presentation” webinar that was provided by Citrix, below you will find answers to the most popular questions from our time together.

1.  What font(s) was used in the presentation?
Two fonts were used in yesterday’s presentation – Steiner and Gotham.  All slides were embedded as jpegs in order to avoid any font problems.

2.  What would you suggest as far as creating presentations when the company does not allow pictures or images or has a template that must be used?
Great question!  For starters, if you can not use images I would suggest using approaches like the Takahashi (big text) or Lessig method (fast paced slides).  If you need to abide by a template, I would do your best to find a compromise with your superiors.  Honestly, every slide does not need the organization’s logo.  The audience already knows who they came to hear speak so I would argue for putting the company logo only at the beginning and end.

3.  Many people mentioned something to this effect:  I do my slides in a very similar way (mainly images and little to no text.) I often get asked them as a handout but unless you have me there to talk to the images, there is no value in the slides. Do you create handouts or just let the aaudience take notes? And are handouts needed?
I always like to provide a takeaway deck – a text based version of your visual deck.  In addition, preparing a handout or two can add extra value in places where you really want to highlight a key point or concept.  In a nutshell, you want to create two decks – a visual deck for your moment to shine and a takeaway deck that can be distributed as a leave-behind piece.

Also, if you have friends or colleagues who missed the session, I will be doing a similar talk on September 22nd at 10am PDT with the great folks at SlideRocket.  Shoot me an email at scott at ethos3 dot com if you would like to receive registration details.

Thanks again for attending.  I hope you had a blast – I did.

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