10 Style Tips for Men Presenters

The rule of thumb has always been to “dress for success” It’s a phrase you must have heard several times over the course of your life and for good reason. Fashion may change, but the fundamentals never do. If you want to be taken seriously you have to present yourself in a serious manner. The basics go without saying. No matter what the fashion of the time may be, you are going to want your clothes clean and free of wrinkles, your shirt tucked in and all buttons and zippers locked and in their upright position.

Doing just the basics, however, isn’t going to cut it when it comes to presentation time. Remember that not only are your ideas on display, but you are too and how you look is going to effect how your audience interprets what you have to say. Now if you’re like most guys, you might find yourself unfamiliar with the fashion world. It’s okay, we’ve got you covered. Follow these ten tips before you give your next presentation and you’ll be looking sharp.

The Essentials
Consider this your fashion roadmap. Start with the essential dress shirt, dress pants and suit coat. A sharp tie in a Windsor knot will do just fine for most occasions. You don’t want anything too flashy because you don’t want to be distracting. Make sure that you’re comfortable in whatever you’re wearing, especially if your presentation involves a lot of movement.

Keep Fit
Nobody is going to care that you have an Armani suit if you’re swimming in it like a kid trying on his dad’s coat. Make sure everything fits and if it doesn’t, go the extra mile and have it tailored to keep neat.  Don’t ignore the accessories either. Your belt should not be hanging off to the side like a dog’s tongue.

Cover Up!
Forgo the beach look for something a bit more Puritan. There is no need to show unnecessary skin, so short sleeves are out of the question. Button every button, even that pesky top one. Sure, you might think the patch of chest hair peeking up from your neckline is rugged and sexy, but your audience might have flashbacks of their high school history teacher and then they will tune you out just like they did to him.

Keep Contextual
Don’t assume just because Friday is casual day in your office that it extends everywhere else. Likewise, you don’t want to overdo it and be the only guy wearing a tuxedo in a room where everyone is wearing khakis. You need to know your audience and then dress accordingly. That might mean having a change of clothes handy just in case.

Be an Attraction, Not a Distraction
You don’t want anything on your person that might distract your audience from what you are trying to show them. Clear your pockets for the time being and keep your cell phones turned off entirely because vibrate is just as distracting as a  ringtone. Don’t forget badges, nametags, jewelry and anything else that might jingle, jangle, glimmer or glow.

You Are Not Agent Smith
Remember, professional does not always equal the “Men in Black” look.  Feel free to inject some color into your wardrobe as long as it’s appropriate for the presentation you are giving. Showing a bit of personality in your look, within reason, well help you to better connect to your audience. Plus, you’ll feel more comfortable.

Practice Makes Perfect
There’s a reason why actors have a dress rehearsal, it’s to get acclimated to moving around in their costumes. Consider your suit your presentation costume and practice your speech wearing it. This way, you can change and alter if needed before the big show.

Look out for Lunch
Blame Murphy, but it seems like you only get slop on your clothes when you need them to be stain free. If you’re a messy eater and your presentation is after lunch, you have a number of options. There are a number of bleach pens and wipes on the market that work miracles. A lint roller is another essential

Don’t Forget your Feet!
Like Forest Gump once said you can tell “an awful lot about a person by their shoes.” It’s a common mistake to ignore the feet because you might think that most people aren’t going to look at your feet. That’s just not true! If your feet stick out, your audience will take notice. Don’t give them any reason. For starters, always match the color of your shoes with your belt. That goes for socks too. White socks are out of the picture unless you’re giving your presentation in a gymnasium. Make sure your shoes are polished and free of buff marks. Oh, and don’t forget to lace them up tight!

Ask a Girl
When your girlfriend asks you “Does this make me look fat,” she doesn’t always have devious intentions. Sometimes, you just need to buck up and ask someone who you trust if you look good or gross. Don’t be afraid to get some advice and if it comes down to it, let someone else dress you. There’s no shame in being groomed if it produces results.

Guys, don’t assume that you’re set just because you’ve got the standard suit on. When giving a presentation you have to look your best in order to perform at your best. Keep these tips in mind and you’ll stay sharp and confident.



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