#034: Greatness Comes from Helping the Many [Podcast]

Most presenters want to be great. Why else would would they want to be on stage or in front of a group of people? They want to make an impact. They want to be admired. They want to be valued and appreciated. All of them are aiming for greatness.

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In this episode, I discuss how greatness comes from helping the many. We’ll take a closer look at the teachings of:

1. Jim Rohn

2. Jesus

3. John F. Kennedy

Episode Resources

Here are some extra resources:

Lessons from History: JFK’s Inaugural Address

Develop This One Trait to Become a Great Public Speaker

Your Feedback Matters to Me

I would love to hear from you about the show! If you have a presentation topic you would like me to cover, you can connect with me via email.

In addition, if you enjoyed the podcast, I would appreciate it if you take a moment to rate it on iTunes and write a brief review. All comments are welcomed.

Thanks so much!

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