Blinded By Science! The Story of “The Mega-Might of Presentations for Content Marketing”

You know that you need to post on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and (insert social media page here) every day. You also know that your content needs to be visual in order to capture clicks and views. Where can you turn for quality content? How many times can you re-use that team photo at the last company picnic?

If your company doesn’t have an in house designer, this scenario may seem painfully familiar to you. Creating fresh assets without the benefit of plentiful custom design can leave you with a frustrating DIY task.

We wanted to create a project that addressed both this same pain point and also offered a creative presentation spin. Enter “The Mega-Might of Presentations for Content Marketing,” a presentation that both educates our audience about using an existing presentation for social media as well as shows how slides can be used in a “stackable” style. 

Before we talk about why this asset was such a success, check out the finished product:

This deck is fun, engaging, and educational. It serves a sort of meta function, as it is both about content marketing strategies as well as a lead-generating piece of content marketing in and of itself. So, how can you use this same technique in your own efforts?

Meet the “Stackable” Presentation Deck

This presentation is distinct by its very nature, in that it could either become an infographic when stacked in a vertical row, or simply be a beautiful click-through piece. Use this creative concept in your own work by connecting visual elements in the top and bottom of each of your slides, creating an infographic effect when they are posted vertically on a page.

Dig Through Your Archives

Recycling is, simply put, the best way to develop content marketing without having to spend a lot of time or creative energy on each individual post. Take a cue from this presentation, and dig through your archives of past presentations. If the content stands alone on each slide to be posted with little or no context, use it. If not, see if you can edit slightly in order to have each image/slide make sense wherever it is posted.

Think Helpful

One of the reasons that this piece, and most of our content marketing design work, receives so much traction is because of its educational nature. We wanted to help other companies with their own strategies, not merely show off our gorgeous design ability. When you look over past assets to use and potential projects to start, always make sure you ask yourself: who will this post help? What makes it worth a few minutes of my reader’s time?

Want to see more portfolio success stories from our archive, and see how they can help you in your own strategy? Check out these related posts:

Inspiration From Everywhere: The Story of Our Nashville Deck

Building a Viral Infographic: The Story Behind “We Live in a Visual World”

Inspired by Rocky: The Story of Our B2B Marketing Presentation

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