Do You Have the Ingenuity of a Visionary?

Visionary leaders set the pace for the world, with ingenuity that seems out of reach at times. Hoping to be recognized as the most credible resource for your field begs the question, what will that take? While there’s no doubt that inventors and creatives have something special, sometimes visionaries are found in the most unlikely candidates.

Arthur Ashe once said, “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”This is a formula for successful ingenuity in presentations and beyond.

Start where you are

Inventors know failure very well. True genius is born of try after try. Often, we have this idea that whatever we put in the world needs to be perfect. While perfection is a lovely goal, it’s realistically unattainable. Deciding to put your best foot forward, no matter where you are in your journey, is a better way forward. Give your audience your best self, and learn from the mistakes you make along the way. Believe it or not, the visionaries you look up to have most definitely had a misstep or two to get where they are now. Getting started where you are now enables you to break free from perfectionism, paving the way toward visionary ingenuity.

Use what you have

As presenters we often envision a situation different from the one in which we currently find ourselves. Whether wishing for a greater social media following or more meetings with investors, these goals drive us. Great inventors take what is in front of them and make something exceptional. Think about your current circumstance and how you can use it to propel you toward your end goal. Visionaries rise through the ranks by creating their own path, instead of waiting for someone to guide the way.

Do what you can

Understanding you are limited can be frustrating. Perhaps your limitations come in the form of time, money or a global pandemic. Know that you aren’t alone, and many visionaries before you have felt stuck at one point or another. Knowing who you are and what makes you special is an incredible launching pad. Using your individual strengths uniquely positions you with a different vantage point than anyone else. Human ingenuity is our greatest resource to get out of trying times. Know that what you have to offer is a great starting point toward reaching your goals.

Failure is never easy. Every human can relate to that. Visionaries find their way through the hard times by leveraging their talents on the hope some form of ingenuity will solve the problem. Choose your starting point, gather your best, and throw yourself into the unknown with the tools you do have. We think it will pay off. If you need a coach through all of this, let us know! Our presentation mentors would love to dive in with you. Contact us today for a free quote!

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