3 Simple Ways To Develop Confidence

3 Simple Ways To Develop Confidence

To help you strengthen your confidence, or perhaps even help you build your confidence from the ground up, I want to share with you my confidence-boosting habits.  

Why? Because confidence is a critical component of all successful presentations.

In general, confident presenters exude credibility, experience, and leadership. A confident presenter can soar above any obstacles in their path, such as the technical glitches that often manifest during presentations.

While confidence is one of the keys to success in business and presentations, confidence should not be a chore to develop. Building confidence can actually be quite enjoyable. For example, I developed the following simple habits as part of my routine for maintaining on-demand confidence under any circumstance. I never know when I will be required to talk in front of a large group of people, or help lead my team through unfamiliar territory. Thus, these habits are part of my regime for professional success, and they have worked wonders for me.

Use the tips that resonate with you, toss the rest, and then devise your personal strategy for continually cultivating a confident state of being.

1. Practice positivity.


Challenge yourself to strive for excellence but don’t beat yourself up for not being perfect. Negative thoughts will eventually get the best of you. Try to be as positive as possible, while also maintaining a healthy grip on reality. It is a delicate balance. If you start to fall out of balance, try to fall on the sunny side instead of the doom and gloom side.

When you believe in yourself, you make it easier for others to believe in you as well. How can you expect others to be confident in your leadership, if you are constantly doubting yourself? If your thoughts seems to be stuck in a pattern of negativity, force yourself to think happy thoughts. Put sticky notes around your home and office with positive mantras. Ask your friends and family members to point out your pattern if you slip into unnecessary negativity in conversations.

Remember: Believing in yourself is the most important step towards true confidence.

2. Redefine “power suit.”


Being happy and being confident often go hand-in-hand. If you feel good, and are happy with how you look, you will also likely feel your most confident. For this reason, wear clothes that bring you joy.

I am sure you know what I mean; we all have clothes that put an extra pep in our step for one reason or another. The colors might be energizing, or the cut is a relaxed fit, but also flattering. Whatever the reason, trust your instincts and wear clothes that make you smile.

Still dress appropriately for the occasion, and cover the obvious requirements: no sweatpants at a business conference, and no power suits at a company picnic. Once you cover the essential requirements though, be yourself and flaunt your personal style. Your energy will probably also get a boost along with your confidence.

3. Have fun.


Stop caring so much what others think, and go enjoy your life. If you live passionately, remember to enjoy the simple things in life, and relax a little, you will find it easier to be positive, happy, and confident. When you work too hard, it is easy to obsess about your errors, as well as stress about the tasks left undone. Working constantly can also isolate you from your greatest source of confidence and support: your family and friends. If you embrace your personal time, and live life to the fullest, your confidence will grow as you successfully explore new experiences, and connect with those who love you most.


Don’t stress about becoming a more confident leader. The more you stress about it, the more elusive confidence will be for you. Take my advice and do your best in all things, but then let go, and focus on being positive and happy. Your confidence will appear effortlessly as a result.

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