4. Call to action.
One thing that all people desire is to feel like they are part of something. We all have an intrinsic need to feel like we are making a difference in the world. That is why, if we want to win the hearts and minds of our audience, as presenters we must invite them into something more.
I have had the privilege to work with one of the top leaders in the nonprofit sector. He is a mediocre speaker at best, but what I have found is that every time he steps in front of the audience, you leave with a desire to follow him and his vision wherever it might go. That is because every time he is on stage, he calls people to action, inviting them to use their internal desires, skills, and dreams to make a difference in the world. As presenters, no matter what our audience is, we must do the same thing.
Here are a few ways to call people to action in your next presentation.
Challenge their limits. What makes someone a great coach? Their ability to see the limits of a person and push them past those. As presenters we need to do the same thing. The reason many people are not getting off the bench and getting into the game is a false idea that they have limits. When we challenge those limitations, we are opening their hearts and minds to a new reality, pushing the boundaries of what they thought they could do, and moving them into the next level of their abilities.
Make the ask. This is particularly important for those of you who are presenting in a corporate culture. I have seen so many presenters deliver a powerful presentation only to shy away during the final ask. As presenters we must push past that fear and just ask. Whether you are asking for more staff, more money, or more snacks in the office, you have to be willing to make your case, trust your preparation, and ask that hard question.
Inspire them to dream. Earlier this year, the movie The Greatest Showman released, causing a frenzy of people to flock to theaters over and over to see this musical. The critics reviews were bad, and the movie was only nominated for one Oscar. But the general public continued to sing its praises. Why? Because there was one thing The Greatest Showman did that spoke to the soul of every viewer: It inspired us to dream again. Through its story of a poor boy with a dream turned successful businessman, The Greatest Showman drew us in to an exhilarating journey of self-discovery. Every presentation we deliver must do the same thing. It must inspire people to dream and put their dreams into practice.
If we want to win the hearts and minds of our audience, it takes hard work. It takes preparation, and thoughtfulness. But there is one thing I can promise — that at the end of all the hard work and preparation, you will deliver a presentation that leaves a mark, and rather than sitting across from your supervisor receiving a C grade, your presentation will be an A+ with tangible change as its showcase.
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