3 Ways to Improve Your Presentation Creativity

You hit a wall. The writer’s block is kicking in. No matter how hard you try to come up with the words or visuals for your presentation, you can’t. This feeling of total loss in creativity can make you want to give up on your presentation altogether. Remember that this feeling is temporary and can be resolved. All it takes is a little time and action. Here are 3 ways to improve your presentation creativity so you can get the job done.

3 Ways to Improve Your Presentation Creativity

Presentation Creativity


Sometimes all you need is a little research to help you come up with new ideas. Search online for helpful tips and inspirational work that will get you inspired. Websites like SlideShare let you view presentations from every industry. This can help you see how other businesses are providing information to their clients. If you need help in the design department, websites like Dribble are filled with work from graphic designers. Let their use of color, type and imagery plant some ideas in your head for how you can create a compelling design.


If you have been going at your presentation all day, sometimes you just need a break from the computer screen. No matter what deadline you are under, it’s good to take a moment for yourself to recalibrate your thoughts. Go for a walk outside, get a bite to eat, and drink some water. Allowing time for your brain to take a break and making sure your body has enough fuel to keep you going is always a top priority. If you are not under a deadline, then get some sleep. I often get the best ideas after a good night’s sleep. It seems like the more you can step away from a presentation, the more you come back with creative ideas.


Ideas coming from a friend or a colleague can jolt your presentation creativity to the next level. An outside voice can offer insight to things you may not notice. Sometimes we are so attached to our content, we don’t realize that our audience isn’t getting the message. Ask for plenty of honest feedback as you prepare your presentation. Someone may point out an obvious flaw or offer up a new way to explain your message that creates clarity. If design is your sore spot, implore the help of a designer. Ask if they can help you design certain slides or offer up suggestions for the overall look and feel. Having two heads is better than one!

We will hit many roadblocks in all walks of our lives. Don’t let your presentation creativity suffer because of it. Taking some time for yourself will help motivate you to resolve the issues your work is facing. As always, Ethos3 offers advice for every presentation, so you don’t ever have to feel lost with your content or design. For more ideas on how to create impactful presentations, check out these posts:

7 Blogs to Follow for Presentation Content Inspiration

How We Get Inspired: The Story of Moodboards

4 Presentation Tips Worth Sharing

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