Summon a Lyft driver. Order a pizza. Purchase paper towels. Apply for a job. Listen to music. Read a book. It seems silly to ask what you can do with the Amazon Echo. Instead, you should ask what you can’t do. Just ask Alexa a question or deliver a request and she will use her seven microphones to comprehend and respond to your inquiry. With the Amazon Echo (Amazon affiliate link), you hardly have to look at a phone, tablet, or laptop screen. And this convenience is powerful. According to a recent article in Mashable, 45% of Amazon speaker sales are attributed to the Amazon Echo.
We decided to discover what all of the fuss was about. Here are 3 reasons that the Amazon Echo is the best presentation tech for any presenter:
1. Organization
The Amazon Echo makes it a breeze to be organized. You can ask Alexa to add an event to your Google calendar or remind you of the meetings on your schedule for any given day. She can even create a to-do list, set an alarm, and connect both of those tasks to alerts on your phone.
2. Efficiency
One of the most compelling qualities of this best presentation tech is its integration with Evernote – a popular note-taking app. If you think of an innovative angle to approach your presentation topic from while you are cooking, Alexa can create an Evernote note for you and add the idea. All while you make lunch!
3. Convenience
Finally, the Amazon Echo provides a level of convenience that cannot be compared. Presenters can conduct presentation research without touching a keyboard or gazing at a screen. They can get caught up on current events quickly – allowing them to make references during speeches when applicable. Do you want to listen to music while you work on your deck from your laptop? Alexa has your back.
Since Amazon Echo relies on the cloud and Wi-Fi to gather and disseminate its wealth of information, the possibilities are nearly endless with this piece of best presentation tech. To find out more about the Amazon Echo, check out the following resources:
Amazon Echo Review: The smart speaker that can control your whole house
How to use the Amazon Echo and why you should get one
The Seven Best Things You Can Do with an Amazon Echo
Disclosure: Some of the links provided are “Amazon affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, Ethos3 will receive an affiliate commission.