How to Handle Being Sick When Giving a Presentation

The show must go on, they say. Meanwhile, you feel like your head’s about to explode, your muscles are achey, and you’re running a fever that says otherwise. But don’t think you have to skip out on a presentation opportunity (or obligation) just because you’re sick. There are actually quite a few tips and tricks you can take advantage of that’ll help you forget how bad you feel long enough to deliver an excellent presentation.

Remember That Adrenaline Will Help a Lot
One of the major obstacles in our way when we’re sick and presenting is simply the fear that we’ll be too fatigued to deliver. But adrenaline is a very powerful thing. When you step on stage, your heart will start racing and your energy levels will rise, which will work wonders to give you the energy you need to through the presentation. Keeping this in mind through your preparations should help minimize your anxiety.

Make Rest Your Utmost Priority
In the days leading up to your presentation, rest as often as you can. Reschedule plans, cancel meetings if you can, disconnect from the internet when possible, and prioritize rest and relaxation above all else. Giving your body and brain ample opportunity to rest and recharge will go a long way to making you feel better come presentation day.

Fuel Up on Carbs and Caffeine
This is a rare opportunity to drink coffee and eat simple carbs with abandon. Doing so right before your presentation will give your body the quick and accessible fuel it needs to get through the next 30 minutes or so. Sure, you’ll crash afterward, but that’s a small price to pay for having enough energy to deliver a killer presentation.

Keep Water or Tea on Deck
Whatever you do, don’t forget to keep hydrating before and during your presentation. This will not only ensure your voice stays strong and clear, but it’ll help your head feel more clear and focused as well. Plus, pausing for sips is a great way to pace your presentation and give yourself little breaks throughout it.

Load Up on Decongestants and Cough Suppressants
Look for the all-in-one cough and flu medication—like Day-Quil, which has a pain reliever, fever reducer, and sinus decongestant—at your drugstore and take it liberally before you present. Just be sure it’s something you’ve taken before and it doesn’t have any side effects that’ll make you feel loopy or foggy.

Mind Over Matter
Don’t overlook your mind’s ability to make you feel better. If you live in a place of “Ugh, I feel so awful, I’ll never get through this” then you can bet you’ll continue to feel so awful and not get through it. Instead, keep telling yourself that you’re going to power through like a champ and deliver a kick-ass presentation, even if you feel otherwise. It’s truly amazing the impact this little mind trick can have on the way we feel.

Want more ways to elevate your presentation game? Then check out Ethos3’s presentation design services.

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