Having Fun With Slides

Ethos3 recently had the opportunity to work on a fun project for a client in Ireland. Today, he is someone we can now call a friend.

What made the presentation fun and exciting was the theme, a fictional word called “Globility.” What in the world is globility? Good question. Think Austin Powers and “mojo.” Perhaps, you are a fan of the movie Dumb & Dumber. Think of the quote, “look at the buns on that guy, he must work out.” Globility is all about talent, skills, and the ability to make things happen on a global scale. So let me put it into context: “Look at the globility on that guy, he must be smart.” It’s essentially “mojo” for the office.

Long story short, we had a blast thinking of different design directions. Below is a sample slide from each design comp. The first sample is what we like to call LA Urban.


The second piece was inspired from the 60’s and 70’s.


And third, this was inspired from pop art.


The main lesson here is to not be afraid to have fun with your slides. There is so much opportunity with colors, fonts, and styles to shake things up a bit.

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