The world is changing all around us: Disruptive innovation is constantly challenging norms, breaking boundaries and shifting focus. After all, we live in a ‘keep-up or get left-behind’ society. By definition, to be a disruptor is to create a product, service, or way of doing things which displaces the existing market leaders and eventually replaces them at the helm of the sector. Forward-thinkers create new markets and reshape existing ones. With this in mind, what is the best way to assert oneself in the market as a newcomer? How can you establish your innovation as the next big thing? Change is scary. Convincing your audience that change is necessary can be a real challenge. Here are a few ways to structure your presentation to gain not only attention, but trust.
Highlight your key players
Disruptors are generally entrepreneurs, outsiders, and idealists rather than industry insiders or market specialists. Gaining trust as an outsider is no small feat. Investors and consumers want to know they are working with either an established, reputable source or a visionary. It’s important to highlight the strengths of the team members you have around you in addition to giving your background. Assuring your investors that you are surrounded by great people will ease nerves brought on by the idea of change.
Distinguish your product as more widely useful
A disruptive product or idea has to benefit more people than the current market is serving. It is a solution that will solve a problem faced by many. You must identify these people groups and establish their use of your product or idea. Even better, can you answer a need your investors didn’t even realize they had? Establishing a ‘better way’ with your audience will exceed expectations and gain curiosity eventually leading to buy-in. A little bit of buzz and excitement can go a long way.
Create an Easy to Understand Value Proposition
Along with disruption comes responsibility. As innovative as it may be, a new product or idea will not thrive without clear messaging. Underscoring the value this new innovation will bring to one’s life is paramount in creating a true need for it in the marketplace. The gold standard is garnering a reaction that makes the audience question why they never thought of your disruption before.
Be disruptive for tomorrow
Make sure your product is ahead of the curve. With technology changing daily, obsoletion of existing products can create a real challenge in relevance. Do your due diligence to inform yourself in the space you are challenging to ensure a well-received presentation. Keep in mind that while many people want a better tomorrow, some truly don’t have the vision to see past today. Establishing today as the baseline and painting a picture of a more efficient tomorrow will frame the mindset of your audience favorably.
At Ethos3, we acknowledge the need for disruption in today’s marketplace. Your next presentation could be a huge turning point. We have a full line of presentation design and training services, why not request a free consultation?