How to Keep Rolling Through Rhythm-Changing Events

According to Greek philosopher Heraclitus, the only true constant in life is change. Change comes in all forms, big and small. Bracing for change is tricky. When met with unexpected detours, we must adapt. Detours are responsible for changing the way we operate–often permanently. Research has shown that rhythm-changing events create a sense of crisis for change, generate new ways of working, and enhance awareness of time as a resource. While there is no true formula for adapting to these events, being prepared will hopefully result in more favorable reactions when they do arise.

Crisis for Change

First, I think we can all relate to the rhythm-changing event that was and is the global COVID-19 pandemic. This event caused a crisis, and out of crises come new ideas, pathways, and operational focus. It’s likely your processes were changed significantly by this detour. Understanding that change is inevitable helps shift focus from being surprised and/or nervous about a crisis, to accepting it and being a forward-thinking thought-leader. With change comes fresh beginnings, improved efficiency, and new direction. Allow your mindset to be encouraged by the positive effects that are sure to come out of any crisis you encounter.

Generating New Systems

Next, after shifting your mindset from panic to positivity, optimizing your new route is key. Old habits die hard. Rather than searching for a way to patch or mend the existing process, why not take a step back and see if there is a way to go about things completely differently. Facing a rhythm-changing event gives you the chance to start from square one. Explore your options, and seek advice from people you trust. Meanwhile, opening up collaborative dialogue strengthens relationships. Remember, new systems will not come without glitches. So, ensure you’re surrounding yourself with bright problem-solvers who will react positively to challenges.

Enhanced Time Awareness

Finally, time is one of the most fundamental dimensions of human existence. The pacing of your process and the sequence in which things are done can be dramatically altered by rhythm-changing events. In fact, simply being aware that timing is another factor affected by these detours is critical. This might mean giving a 10-minute presentation virtually instead of a 20-minute presentation in person because the new format allows more room for distraction. Especially in polychronic cultures, being respectful of time is one of the greatest ways to show appreciation for your peers. Bending your processes through a detour to allow for a change in timing shows grace and resilience.

While unforeseen circumstances are uncomfortable, they create an opportunity to set you on the right path after a detour. There’s no denying that as we adapt to change, we strengthen our skill set and have more tools in our arsenal for next time. Indeed, change is inevitable, and change is good. If you’re feeling like you need a positive change, let us know! Our discovery call is a great time to bounce ideas off of the Ethos3 team and see what may be next for you! We look forward to hearing your ideas!

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