Introduction to Instructographics

Instructographics are one of my favorite forms of visual content. Why? Well, instructographics visually communicate how to do something. Since I need all of the help I can get when it comes to many DIY, how-to topics such as cooking or home repair, instructographics are a valuable tool for me.

I have used instructographics to bake bread, tile a floor, and start a garden. Without the help of instructographics, my bread would have been a brick, my tile floor would still be linoleum from the 80’s, and my garden would be a haven for pests. Now that I think about it, how would I survive without the visual instructions created and shared by brands?

Joking aside, when I need help with a project, I conduct research online, and use the most beginner-friendly content to guide me through my project. Typically, I gravitate towards an instructographic because instructographics are visual, and therefore are easier to follow. Since I reference the instructographic regularly throughout my project, I become familiar with the branding on the graphic. If a graphic is helpful, I usually develop a fondness for the company that produced the instructographic. Because instructographics have the potential to help people accomplish a goal, instructographics can be powerful brand ambassadors.

Some of you may be wondering: how are instructographics different from infographics? The answer is twofold.

First of all, the term infographics is commonly used as an umbrella term to cover a variety of informative graphics, including instructographics. While this definition of infographics is not necessarily incorrect, it is also not the most exact definition.

To be more specific: infographics typically organize data and text into a visual narrative to summarize a complex subject. Instructographics provide knowledge that is more practical than the information in infographics. For example, infographics can help you understand a topic, while instructographics can help transform an idea into reality. In the article, The Difference Between Infographics, Instructographics and Data Visualisations, Laura Varley explains that an infographic might inform you about the most popular kitchen colours, whereas an instructographic would tell you how to paint your kitchen.

Below is an Ethos3 instructographic, How To Make The Perfect Grilled Cheese. As you can see, the instructographic provides some text for guidance, however the instructions are highly visual overall. In addition, the information provided is practical. By following the steps in the instructographic, you can easily create the perfect grilled cheese.

Conclusion: We all know that visual content is critical to the success of any content marketing campaign. Add some variety to your visual content by creating instructographics. Then, share your new visual content by uploading your instructographic to your blog and social media profiles. Because instructographics are both visual and helpful, your audience will probably go nuts over your graphic, and share it until it goes viral in your community. Sounds great, right? Give it a try today.

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