J.J. Abrams Storytelling Tips

J.J. Abrams is a cross-cultural phenomenon who’s creative brand finds the writer/director/producer in demand on both the big and little screens. The great thing about Abrams success is that its not built on trendy tastes or big-budget sprawl. Abrams’ shows and films captivate because he is a master storyteller with at least a few skills we can apply to make our presentations more compelling than ever.

Non-Linear Storytelling
Although we never want to confuse our audience, sometimes mixing things up a bit is exactly what is required to capture their interest. Abrams’ mega-hit Lost attracted a rabid following specifically because no one could figure out what was going on! Who says you have to start your presentation at the beginning?

Start Strong
While Abrams isn’t afraid of mixing things up to keep it interesting, even he knows that you’ve got to begin with a bang. His films Cloverfield and Super 8 both meander for just a moment before they push the viewer right over a cliff. If you don’t get your audience behind your story right at the start, they’ll likely not bother to catch up.

Building on his penchant for non-linear scripts, Abrams is able to surprise his audiences in a way most storytellers can’t. If you keep your audience guessing a bit, you can catch them off guard with an important point or a great joke. Of course, it’s risky to play with your audience’s attention span, but if you do it right, a presentation full of great surprise moments won’t likely be forgotten. And neither will you!

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