As a presenter, it’s important to build your platform if you want your message to spread. The larger your platform, the larger your audience which will lead to an increase in your end goal. According to recent studies, 70% of the US population has a profile on one or more social media platforms. Which means if you effectively leverage the use of social media, you will gain easy and inexpensive access to 70% of the country who might be unreachable otherwise.
Social media is an ever-changing landscape and requires constant attention and focus. But if you can learn to leverage your social media effectively, you will not only grow your platform but you’ll see a spike in your profitability as well.
At Ethos3, we believe there are 4 keys to leveraging social media to build your platform.
Don’t launch too early.
The only thing worse than having no social media presence is launching your platform only to let it dwindle months later. This will set you back in gaining followers, because you will find yourself at the losing end of the social media algorithm. When considering the right time to launch your social media presence, make sure you have the margin and bandwidth to sustain for the long haul.
Create a strategy.
Strategy is essential to the longevity of a social media platform. Without a strategy, you will find yourself scheduling repetitive posts that ultimately become white noise to your audience. Strategy will also help the longevity of your presence as you map out what your eventual results and end goals are. As part of your strategy, write out how often you will post, what types of posts you will have each day, and where you will post them. At Ethos3, we also recommend creating a different strategy for each platform based on your audience and demographics.
Post more deposits than withdrawals.
In the world of social media, there are two types of posts: deposits and withdrawals. A deposit is a post that adds value to your audience; withdrawals are posts that ask something of your audience (like a sales pitch, survey, call to action, etc.). When working to build your platform, it’s important to post more deposits than withdrawals so your audience can see the value you give them. If you ask more of your audience than you give them, they’ll click “Unfollow” before buying into your platform. And, the more deposits you post, the more likely that your audience will engage and eventually bite on a withdrawal when it comes around.
Include visuals with every post.f
Did you know posts with photos, videos, and visuals get 100% more engagement than those without? With such a staggering statistic, it’s crucial that you include visuals with every post you create on social media for maximum exposure and audience engagement. By simply adding an image to a text-based post, it’s far more likely that your audience will stop to pay attention to what you shared.
Social media is a powerful tool to build your platform as a presenter. When used effectively, you can both build your reach and increase your profits at a relatively inexpensive cost. It will take time and energy, but the stats show how useful these tools are in today’s society. Social media is both the present and future, and as a thought leader and presenter, it’s the key to broaden your audience reach and your success.
Looking to hone your message and create clarity in your presentation? Contact the team at Ethos3 today to find out how we can help.