A Look at the Most Popular TED Talks of All Time

One of the best things you can do for yourself as a presenter is to spend time watching those who do it best. And there are arguably no better presentations to model your own after than ever-inspiring, moving, and motivating TED Talks. The following TED Talks are among the most popular of all time, so do yourself a favor and invest some time in watching how the best of the best deliver life-changing presentations.

The power of vulnerability by Brene Brown

When it comes to connecting with the audience, no one does it better than Brene Brown. In this talk, Brown dives into one quality that humans relate to on a universal level—vulnerability. She discusses authenticity and openness as they relate to cultivating connections and she masterfully displays her own vulnerability for the audience to see. In addition to giving you insight into how to connect with your own audience, this talk is one that most will relate to on a profound level.

How great leaders inspire action by Simon Sinek

In his empowering talk, Simon Sinek breaks down the simple reason he believes the greatest leaders among us inspire action: Why? He argues that people don’t become invested in products or movements because of what’s being done; they do it for why it’s being done. Citing examples from Steve Jobs, Martin Luther King, and Orville Wright, Sinek analyzes what, exactly, made them luminaries and how you can apply their “why” techniques to your own leadership.

Your body language may shape who you are by Amy Cuddy

In addition to being an exceptional talk in general, Amy Cuddy’s presentation is particularly useful to those looking to enhance their presentation presence. Cuddy shares her research on simple ways that our body language can impact not only how others see us, but how we see ourselves, like “power posing”—a practice of standing confidently even when we don’t feel confident. If you’d like to be more adept at commanding a room, you need this talk in your brain.

How to speak so that people want to listen by Julian Treasure

This is another talk that’s especially helpful for other presenters. During it, sound expert, Julian Treasure, delves into the how-tos of influential speaking. You’ll learn many applicable techniques you can use to elevate your presentations, such as simple vocal exercises that will enhance your delivery to audiences and individuals and how to speak with more empathy so that the people you’re speaking to feel more connected and understood.

What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness by Robert Waldinger

The title of this talk alone should signify why it’s gotten tens of millions of views: there’s not a person on this planet who doesn’t want to maximize their happiness. Psychiatrist and director of a 75-year happiness study, Robert Waldinger, sheds light on what, exactly, it is that makes us happy and what we can do to cultivate it. You’ll discover three critical insights learned from the study as well as practical wisdom on how to live a more fulfilling life.

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