Presentation Design Tennis – Starts Monday, July 14th

Ethos3 is proud to sponsor Presentation Design Tennis which will be hosted by SlideShare. The match will officially kick-start this Monday, July 14th and will end on Sunday, July 27th. It’s 14 days of design tennis!  That means one new slide for 14 days – one 14 slide deck when all is said and done.

The first five days/first five slides will feature the best presentation design firms in the country. This includes Ethos3, Presentation Partners, Rick Altman, Apollo Ideas, and Duarte Design. Days 6-14 are open to the public. That means you. =)

Hence… Saturday, July 19th is the first day of open submissions. If you want to play, title your slide appropriately and submit it to the group page on that day. For instance, if you are submitting a slide on Day 10, label your presentation “Day 10.” We will then review all submissions for that day and choose one that can be added to the collaborative deck.

Please note: Make sure your slide submission is downloadable and obviously relevant to the topic. The topic for this match will be “What is Community?”
We welcome all participants and we hope you can join us. It’s all about presentation design innovation and community.

Game. Set. Match.

Have fun!

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