We are a little obsessed with personality tests here at Ethos3. Okay, maybe really obsessed. We created our own personality test, the Badge assessment, modeled after the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and Predictive Index. These tests can reveal aspects of your personality that not only help you feel closer to yourself, but also see where you can improve. Since we are pros at presentations, we have tips for how each personality type can improve their presentation skills.
Presentation Skills for Each Personality Type
First off, if you do not know your personality type, you can take this free test to find it out! After that, we hope you take our Badge assessment as well to discover your Presentation Persona. Then you will be on your way to mastering your presentation skills for an unforgettable event.
This personality type is reserved and intellectual. While this person will struggle to make connections with the audience, they are goal oriented and love competing ideas. This makes them great at developing the content for their presentation. The slides they write may be too heavy on the content side. Break them up so they are easier to understand. This person will also be to assuming of their audience when it comes to keeping up with their ideas. Use simple language and repetition to make sure everyone in the audience is on the same page.
Someone with this personality type is innovative and creative. They know how to build things with their hands, but don’t always know how to use their words. With some practice, this person can become an excellent speaker because they have a mind full of original ideas. Ask your family or friends to watch you present before you talk in front of a room of strangers. Get helpful feedback on your volume, body language and comfort level so you can improve these areas.
This person is a natural leader. ENTJs are driven to accomplish their dreams, and want to drive others to do the same. Because they believe deeply in their message, they over-prepare for their presentation. The content is rehearsed and the design is compelling. They can command the stage and deliver a passionate call to action. Where the ENTJ needs to improve is audience interaction. Take time to get to know the audience and answer their questions before and after the event. This will help you get others onboard with your message.
ENTPs love a challenge. This personality type loves to debate and make their points loud and clear. They can be hardheaded, which might turn off some audience members. Practice being more open to other’s ideas and reactions. Holding a Q & A session after the presentation will help your audience feel more involved with your great debate.
The INFJ is known for their moral compass. Their passion in life is to spread a message that will contribute to the greater good. This personality loves to help others and is very creative. Content and design development won’t be a problem. It’s public speaking part where this person will run into trouble. Because they are shy, the INFJ will not feel comfortable speaking in front of others or engaging with the audience. Understand that you are helping others with your message, so let your confidence shine. Get in front of a mirror and practice until you feel comfortable with the organization of your presentation.
Someone who is a INFP is a great storyteller. This personality is very intuitive and loves connecting with others. Interacting with the audience will be a breeze, as long as it’s a small crowd. Because they can make anything into a story, there’s not much time put into researching every angle of their presentation topic. This could lead to not knowing how to answer an audience member’s question. Take a few extra minutes to nail down the research before you present.
This is one charismatic and driven speaker. Like the ENTJ, the ENFJ is a natural leader who can rally up a crowd. People are pulled to this personality because of their confidence and optimism. This makes them an inspirational speaker who can spread a message far and wide. The biggest improvement this presenter can make is refining their message to fit each type of audience. Be aware of how long it takes you to deliver a presentation. If it’s more than 30 minutes, make sure you are giving your audience a break every 10 minutes.
This social butterfly is a lovable and friendly personality. People will enjoy watching the ENFP present because of how personable they are. They can make every audience member feel heard. Because the ENFP loves being social, they don’t focus too much on their message. This can cause their presentation to not have as big of an impact. Refine the core of the presentation message to ensure that it is understood.
ISTJs are hardworking people who like to play by the rules. They are guided through logic and practicality. They enjoying working alone and dedicating time to each task until it is complete. This makes the presentation content and design development enjoyable for them. It’s the “talking in front of others” part that is a challenge. Start with presenting your work in front of a small group of peers to get more comfortable with public speaking, and ask for feedback. Then, on the big day of the presentation, relax and open the floor up for discussion with your audience.
This personality type is very caring and devoted to helping others. ISFJs are soft spoken and humble, sometimes downplaying their accomplishments. They love to socialize but don’t like being noticed. This makes them feel uncomfortable with public speaking. By getting more comfortable with their message and audience, they can slowly build up the confidence they need. Let the power of your cause or product instill in you the passion and energy you need to perform.
ESTJs like to roll up their sleeves and lead the way. They have a gift of offering sound advice and guiding people through difficult situations. This personality is an energetic speaker. They enjoy traveling and sharing their message to all ages. Crafting your message with a thoughtful presentation design is a strong point. But realizing that not everyone will agree with that message is a downfall. This person does not react well when someone questions their ideas. Learn how to be understanding with your audience. Recognize that just because not everyone agrees with you does not mean you should abandon your calling.
This is a popular personality type. Think of the homecoming king and queen. They are well-liked by everyone and can draw a big crowd. This person is a people pleaser and is more caught up with appearances than principles. This trait makes them more likely to skip over the research needed for the presentation. Instead of focusing on the purpose of the presentation, they focus on holding people’s attention. The audience will enjoy watching, but will walk away without knowing anything new. Dedicate time to putting more thought into your presentation’s message and this will leave a bigger impact on your audience.
Like the INTP, this personality type likes to create new inventions. They would rather spend time figuring out how to build something themselves instead of asking others for help. The ISTP doesn’t mind having others watch them work, as long as no one gets in their way. This person is more methodical than creative. They can clearly and concisely explain a process step-by-step and they know how to answer any questions. But not much thought is put into the design or the interactions with the audience. Maybe teaming up with a designer will help solve that problem, and think of an activity for your audience like a poll question or ice breaker game.
This is an artistic personality with a keen eye for design. The look and feel of the presentation will come easily to the ISFP. Because they are introverted, they prefer to work alone where they are free to be themselves. But ISFPs have a vision for the world that they can present beautifully with their design ideas. Utilizing the help of a writer will be beneficial to the development of the content. With your message in place, your stunning designs will wow any audience.
The ESTP is the type of person who would volunteer themselves to do something instead of sitting on the sidelines. This person is creative, energetic and loves to talk. Public speaking is not a fear of theirs, but sitting down to do the research for their presentation is. The ESTP would rather improvise and entertain. This may keep audiences engaged, but will not teach them anything. Focus in on the point of the presentation and spread time mastering the message. Then you are ready to show off your presentation skills.
Similar to the ESTP, this personality type loves being the center of attention. They know how to keep an audience entertained and excited. While they may be able to bring the party, they do not have much enthusiasm for preparation. They would rather M.C. an event than present complicated data. Working with a team of writers and designers will help this person accomplish the goal and deliver an educational and energizing presentation.
Want to know more about your public speaking strengths and weaknesses? Take the Badge assessment to unlock your unique Presentation Persona. Our book What’s Your Presentation Persona? is filled with detailed methods for how to enhance your presentation skills with content development and design tips.
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How to Create an Audience-Focused Presentation