Presentation Strategy Template for Thought Leadership Training

When it comes to establishing a thought leadership role as a brand or company within an industry, the quality of the content you create trumps the quantity. An Association of Management Consulting Firms study found that 93% of respondents favored agencies with high-quality material – leading to positive perceptions of the brand. With the increasing popularity of thought leadership development across a wide range of areas, the need to stand out is more important than ever. Produce a comprehensive presentation strategy focused on 3 elements: content, design, and delivery.

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As you undergo thought leadership training, narrow your presentation content to address specific audience concerns. Answer the “why” questions your listeners may have about your topic. At the beginning of your thought leadership presentation, establish context for an issue rooted in unique research. Structure your main arguments through predictions, strategy, trends, or opinions. A presentation strategy for thought leaders of all disciplines must outline 3 main points supported by accurate and compelling data highlighted through an engaging story or provocative metaphor.

e3 Presentation Strategy Template for Thought Leadership Training

At the core of the thought leadership presentation is substance. Wrap your subject matter substance with short and sweet sound bites that you can repeat throughout each presentation section.


The look and feel of your deck hinges on the design portion of your presentation strategy. Thought leaders should analyze their finalized content and determine a goal tone for their material. For a more corporate and conservative feel, a photography-based presentation with sparse copy and selective iconography use may strike the right chord. On the other hand, a more creative and trendy tone may require illustrative elements paired with explanatory animations and increased reliance on icons to display concepts and ideas.

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For an individual to associate you as a thought leader in any given space, you’ve got to offer something remarkable – or at least different from what others are offering. You can accomplish this by developing activities that align with your concluding call to action. If you are directing your audience members to inquire about your software platform, then include a brief, interactive demo using a client or customer example that mirrors your standard attendee. If that is too sales-focused, consider bringing up a case study in a narrative format. Or, ask your listeners questions regarding their own experiences with a specific portion of your presentation’s subject matter. Then, show how your ideas meet current and future needs.

To achieve thought leadership status, you’ll need to constantly pursue targeted research, documented results, and valuable insights. Marry your relentless exploration with a presentation strategy template and see the impact your messaging could have on the world.

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