We often talk about how important it is to look professional on presentation day. Your outward appearance is often equally as important as how you carry yourself, because your audience will make snap judgements based simply on what you are wearing. But if you’re anything like me, selecting and preparing the right outfit can be downright frustrating.
With this in mind, we put together a few quick tips to help you look the part on presentation day.
Dress according to your brand or objective.
People often ask how dressed up should I be? As a rule of thumb, we recommend dressing based on your brand and what you hope to communicate as a brand or your objective and what you hope to accomplish from the presentation. For example, if your brand is a business-casual, hip company, then dress based on that; if your objective is to raise $250,000 in the next hour, then you dress like you deserve the money.
Iron your clothes.
This may seem like common sense, but we know that ironing is a hassle, so many of us don’t bother with it. While it may take time and be annoying, walking in with a wrinkled shirt communicates a lack of value and professionalism. So, make the effort, and iron your clothes.
Wear comfortable shoes.
As a presenter, the last thing you want to be worried about during your presentation is that your feet hurt. While it is important to keep your shoes professional, you must also consider the overall comfort of those shoes. Consider investing into one pair of neutral color shoes that you know are comfortable and that can be worn for every presentation.
One other note: be sure to wear shoes that don’t make noise when you walk. Extra noise can become a distraction and hinder your overall audience engagement.
Avoid distracting jewelry.
While those bracelets and necklaces may be beautiful and add just the right amount of flair to an outfit, if they make noise when you move around, leave them at home. Much like noise from shoes, loud jewelry can cause a distraction that leaves your audience disengaged and even annoyed. Also keep in mind how your jewelry might reflect lights. Flashes of light from a ring or watch can be just as distracting even if they’re noiseless.
Avoid flashy patterns.
During a presentation, you want to ensure all eyes are on you and your content and not the flashy pattern you’re wearing. When selecting presentation clothing, avoid distracting patterns and stick to solid colors. This will allow you to maintain a professional appearance and ensure that your content is the star of the show.
When considering your outfit for your next presentation, remember – if you look good, you will feel good, and if you feel good, you will perform at your best. What you wear can make a statement right out of the gate that you mean business and your audience should pay attention. So take some time and think through your clothing choices, because they are as much a part of your preparation as anything else.
Do you have a presentation coming up? Our team would love to help you prepare well and deliver with excellence. Contact us today to speak with one of our presentation coaches.