With Guy Ritchie’s latest installment of his Sherlock Holmes reboot coming to the big screen, we were anxious to see how it would keep up with the pace of its rock ’em, sock ’em prequel. Ritchie’s first Sherlock film was notable for being both a period costume mystery as well as an amped up action flick.
This second story features a head-to-head collision between Holmes and his arch nemesis Professor Moriarty. If anything it has more intense sequences and even bigger action moments than the first film. The plot twists kept us guessing and the stunt sequences were gripping to say the least. We felt totally involved in the story and my eyes were glued to the visuals. It occurred to us – of course – that this is how a great presentation should feel.
Whether you’ve seen the film or not, the new Sherlock has a thing or two to teach us all about what makes a great presentation. It’s actually not that complicated. In fact, it’s elementary!
Be aware of your surroundings
Robert Downey Jr.’s Holmes is not only brilliant, he seems almost psychic in his awareness of even the tiniest details. Whether he is landing the first punch, stealing a kiss or guessing Moriarty’s next move, his being able to tune in to his surroundings always gives him the upper-hand. How is your audience responding to your stage presence? What does that laughter really sound like. Is all that silence in the room boredom or rapt attention? Tune in to your surroundings and steer your presentations like never before!
Actions speak louder than words
This new Holmes is as much a man of action as he is a deep thinker. Of course his deductive breakthroughs are still the hallmark of the story, but this latest iteration of the classic character has the guts to back up his hunches with punches! We can get hung up on what we are saying when we present, but what about what we are saying without our words. Our body language, our clothing, our personal energy and demeanor ultimately convey the greater part of our messages. Like most things in life, when it comes to presenting, it’s what you DO that matters most.
Take chances
When push comes to shove, Holmes follows his insights. He dives from rooftops. He punches really big guys right in the face. He takes chances. So should you! You’ll never find your limits unless you push to the edges of your abilities as a presenter. And you’ll never grow past them unless you continue to attempt what may seem impossible. The willingness to risk is what being great is all about. Go for it! You’ll never get there unless you try.