Slide Inspiration from Nike

This past Sunday I finally gave in and bought the Nike SportBand.  I couldn’t resist since I bought a new pair of Nike running shoes just a few days before while in San Diego.  Road Runner Sports had a great sale so I was all over it.

All in all, I love this device.  The product in a nutshell… you stick a sensor in your left shoe and then you wear the Nike SportBand that tells you your pace, time, calories burned, and distance.  When you are done with your run, you remove the Nike Link device and insert it into your computer’s USB drive.  Next… you connect to where you can view how you performed.  It shows it all – the good, the bad, and the ugly.  Here is a snapshot of my run from yesterday:

This site is obviously not an exercise blog, so I’ll keep my point short and to the point.  Take a look at the packaging, but more specifically the directions for the sport band and the sensor that goes into your shoe. It’s simplicity at it’s finest – clear and to the point. It also has it in 3 simple steps: A, B, C… Beautiful!





For someone who is visual learner like myself, these directions were fantastic. Great product. Great packaging. Great directions. I am sold on Nike.

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