The 5 Best Presentation Apps for Mobile

Building a presentation is easier than ever thanks to the best presentation apps available today. If you’ve got the right apps installed on your favorite device, you can craft your presentation from anywhere. We chose user-friendly, mobile-compatible options for some of the major concerns we see daily from presenters. Everything from taking notes, to designing slides, to sharing your final presentation can be done on mobile of you have the right tools. Let’s dive into the tools you’ll need in your presentation arsenal.

5 Apps you should download right now:

  1. Evernote
  2. Canva
  3. iStock
  4. My QRcode Generator
  5. Dropbox

Evernote for Content

Evernote is a note-taking and task management application that can be used for presentation content. It’s great as an initial information dumping ground, where you can put all of the important items you want to highlight. When you’re not at your desk and have a spontaneous thought, it’s easy to open the app and jot it down from anywhere. It’s among the best presentation apps because it makes creating and organizing digital notes really simple. Consistently using the same app for all of your notes will transform the task of outlining your presentation from daunting to delightful.

Canva for Design

Presenters worldwide are turning to Canva for its user-friendly templates. It’s a great choice for someone designing on the go. When thinking about the best presentation apps, we wanted to share one that helped visualize content. Canva was created for this purpose, and their professionally-designed templates are great in a pinch.

iStock for Photography

Having a bank of stock photography to pull from can be a blessing or a curse. Some stock photography can look really sterile or stale. However, libraries like iStock are increasingly more useful with realistic and beautiful photography options. While they likely won’t have candid photos of your team, searching iStock for metaphorical tie-ins or emotional photographs will help support your narrative.

My QRcode Generator for Access

Many presentations are not sent ahead or left behind–they’re given live. Therefore, the problem with hyperlinks in a live presentation is that they can fail you. Your audience could jot them down incorrectly or forget about them altogether. Now, chances are good that your audience members have a device–whether a phone or a tablet–that can read a QR code. We’ve encouraged a lot of our clients to create free QR codes using something like My QRcode Generator instead of hyperlinks. Usually, you’ll leave these on the screen after the presentation is finished or during a pause. This will allow your audience to go right to the intended link easily, and worry-free.

Dropbox to Share

An important consideration for presentations is that they tend to result in large file sizes. That’s why the last item on our best presentation apps list had to be a way to share large file sizes. We use Dropbox every day both to receive and send presentations. We can create a folder ahead of time for a client to save to, then simply send them a link to the folder. Thankfully, Dropbox has a “preview” option where we can glance at a file from anywhere on mobile if we aren’t in the office. Having a plan in place for sending and receiving presentations takes the pressure off of last-minute edits and revisions.

All in all, we recommend having every tool available to you in your arsenal to make you the most well-rounded presenter imaginable. We enjoyed making this list of the best presentation apps for you, and hope you learned something new along the way. When it comes to presentations, we want you to tell your story effortlessly. These apps should help you engage your audience and turn boring presentations into boardroom home runs. Have questions? Reach out to us today!

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