The Giving Presenter

If everything you learned about philanthropy came from childhood readings of The Giving Tree, you might be inclined not to give. After all, isn’t the message of the book that if you give and give and give of yourself to others, you basically end up chopped into bits and made into furniture? Who wants that?

But that’s not the way it really works. If we have to be botanical about it, pruning is the more accurate concept with regard to giving. When we prune plants, they actually grow bigger, healthier, and more productive. Giving stimulates your professional life. Just do it.

Now, I’m not talking about your money. If you want to be a scrooge and sock away all of your cash and never let anyone get their grubby little hands on it, so be it. (The concept of giving is the same for money as it is for anything else–when you give, you tend to get–but I’m trying to help you be a better presenter, not a financial mogul, even if the two are often indelibly linked).

What is does a giving presenter look like? What does he or she do on stage that is so generous? It starts with empathy. Giving presenters understand the audience: their state of mind, their concerns, their hopes and dreams, etc. After all, there’s no use in being giving in the first place if you give in a grandma-esque manner. Who needs the presentation equivalent of jingle socks?

Respecting people’s time and intelligence, cutting the jokes and bull when you see it’s not appreciated, and delivering only the most relevant, honest, and impactful information are all part of the package.

Of course, there’s also the more commonly understood concept of giving, by which I mean providing another individual with some item. Throughout the digital content world, the word “freemium” is constantly in discussion. It’s a bit of complimentary advice, insight, or value provided at no cost as a gesture of goodwill. It helps individuals who are scoping out your talent and capabilities take you for a test drive without any risk. Note: You’ll need to actually be competent to get results from this kind of giving.

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