The Primal Presenter Engages in Hobbies [Podcast – Episode 18]

The Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology recently published a study which examined 400 employees and their involvement with hobbies. What they discovered is those who engaged in a creative hobby had increased creativity and positivity.

In addition, in a separate study of 1,400 people, psychologists discovered hobbies and leisure activities helped participants attain lower numbers with blood pressure, total cortisol, waist circumference and body mass index.

The statistics speak for themselves. Hobbies make you a healthier and happier person.

In this episode, you will:

-Discover how hobbies can become your competitive edge

-Learn why hobbies can make you more creative and healthy

-Find inspiration for finding or developing your own hobbies


3 science-backed reasons having a hobby will help your career

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