The Ultimate List of Free Stock Photos For Your Presentations
Our previous blog posts on free stock photography were such a hit that we decided to do some digging to see if we could uncover additional resources for free stock photos. Luckily, we discovered some excellent resources to add to our lists of free stock photo sites.
Check out our first two posts on free stock photography:
Gorgeous (And Free) Stock Photos For Your Presentations
Free Stock Photos To Beautify Your Professional Presentations
The list below, combined with the two lists above, creates The Ultimate List of Free Stock Photos – for presentations, and other creative projects.
The Fine Print:
All photos on are Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license. This means you can copy, modify, distribute and perform the photos. The pictures are free for personal and even for commercial use. All without asking for permission or setting a link to the source. So that attribution is not required. All in all the photos are completely free to be used for any legal purpose.
The CC0 license was released by the non-profit organization Creative Commons (CC). Get more information about the license on the official license page.
2. GoodStockPhotos
The Fine Print:
In general, all photos here are free to use anywhere you want, in whatever you want. There is no need to credit me or this site, though a mention somewhere is always appreciated. For more specifics, here’s what you can and can’t do.
3. Stockography
The Fine Print:
Every image you see on Stockography comes under the Creative Commons Zero license, this means that the creators of the images have released their work into the public domain and waived all copyrights and related rights to the work allowing you to use them as you wish. Read more about CC0 on the Creative Commons website.
4. Raumrot
The Fine Print:
Please be respectful to registered trademarks. Some rights reserved. Please keep attribution to the creator (Photo: Markus Spiske / / CC-BY) Read more here.
5. FreeImagesLive
The Fine Print:
Images are free to use, commercial work included; an attribution link or text credit is required. Read more here.
6. Shutteroo
The Fine Print:
You are free to use images for both personal and commercial purposes, but you must not resell or redistribute them. Use them on your blog, in printed material, in your theme preview, give a canvas print to your Grandma; whatever. Please see the image usage checklist for assistance.
7. Huney
The Fine Print:
All photos featured on Huney (with minor exceptions) are licensed under Creative Commons Zero (CC0). This means you can use these photos wherever, whenever, and however you want!
– Republish the photos on your website
– Modify and redistribute them
– Use them in digital products (themes, graphics, sliders, etc)
– Publish them in stationary and books (digital and print)
– Use them in promotional and resale items
8. LibreShot
The Fine Print:
All photos on this website, are licensed under a Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)
Public Domain. You can copy, modify and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.
9. CreativeVix
The Fine Print:
It’s confusing when it comes to complex licenses that is why all photos on Creative Vix are licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license. This means you can copy, modify, distribute and perform the photos. The pictures are free for personal and even for commercial use. All without asking for permission or setting a link to the source. So that attribution is not required. All in all the photos are completely free to be used for any legal purpose.
10. HighResolution
The Fine Print:
CC2 Via download provided Images on High Resolution Photography are bound to Creative Commons Deed CC BY-ND 2.0. To the extent possible under law, uploaders of High Resolution Photography have waived some copyrights and related or neighboring rights to these Images. You are free to Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format for any purpose, even commercially.
11. PhotoStockEditor
The Fine Print:
You may use the photographs for personal and commercial works. This includes Part of Website or Mobile App, Articles or Websites, and Templates for Sell.
12. FreeJPG
The Fine Print:
Free for commercial and editorial use.
13. FreeUse
The Fine Print:
FreeUse is a free image directory design to help you find high quality photos that can be used for any purpose, personal or commercial.
14. Bara Art
The Fine Print:
Free high resolution photos for your personal and even commercial projects.
15. Barn Images
The Fine Print:
You are allowed to use all of the images published in Barn Images collections (both Free Images and Premium Packs) for commercial and non-commercial purposes. You can remix, tweak, and build upon your work, without asking for permission or attributing the photos. However, we would appreciate if you could place a link to our website, or spread the word in social media.
16. Freepy
The Fine Print:
Free photo for comercial use. Use them anyway you want, but not for sale.
17. MMT
The Fine Print:
Free for commercial use photos by Jeffrey Betts. CC0 license.
18. Best Stock Photo Free
The Fine Print:
A collection of free images licensed under Creative Commons. You must provide attribution.
19. StockPic
The Fine Print:
Basically you can do anything apart from redistribute.
20. Moveast
The Fine Print:
Help yourselves and use them wherever you want (CC0).
21. ISO Republic
The Fine Print:
The images provided by ISO Republic are free to use for personal and commercial projects, we operate our own bespoke licence, this page sets out commercial project definitions and conditions of usage.
If you haven’t already, check out these two great resources:
Gorgeous (And Free) Stock Photos For Your Presentations
Free Stock Photos To Beautify Your Professional Presentations