Ways to Avoid Interruptions During Remote Webinar Presentations

The Ethos3 team recently moved into a different office in Nashville. It’s an open concept facility, which creates a multitude of opportunities for collaboration. On the other hand, it also encourages interruption – especially when every member of our team works from the office. We have the option to WR or work remotely. But even then, you have to take into consideration the potential for disruptions in your own home or area of productivity preference. Take for example, this BBC interview.

Professor, Robert Kelly, was in the middle of an interview with BBC when his 4-year-old daughter came barreling through the door of his home office. Cute to everyone who watched the moment live and on YouTube. But not so initially cute to Kelly. We want you to be prepared for the worst distraction during your remote webinar presentations. So we’ve compiled this list of ways to avoid interruptions when you work from home:

1. Schedule the event

To guard against any work-related interruptions, ensure that you have indicated your unavailability during the time of the interview on your online calendar. At Ethos3, we use Google Calendar. Any time we schedule a meeting, it shows up as a blocked out amount of time. And each team member can look at anyone’s Google Calendar. This significantly decreases the chances of unwanted interruptions when working at home.

2. Lock your door(s)

Whether you have a home office or not, the number one priority you should have prior to dialing in to a remote webinar presentation is to lock your doors. Maybe it’s the front door to your house or the door leading inside from the garage. Perhaps it literally is your home office door. Whatever the case, you need to focus on the task in front of you. And gaining some peace of mind through a locked door is your first step towards complete concentration.

3. Shield all sounds

No, you may not be a podcaster. That doesn’t matter. Invest in a sound or noise shield for your next remote webinar experience. If you are delivering a webinar, you want to be confident in the clarity of your message. We suggest purchasing the Pyle Sound Isolation Recording Shield. It allows presenters to produce quality sound, even when presenting remotely. By virtue of it being a shield, the device will also mask any interruptions that happen to make it past your locked doors and blocked schedule.

As adorable as some of your interruptions may be, others may not be so sweet. Distractions could severely stunt the impact of your narrative and overall message – a situation no presenter wants to put their content in for any reason. How do you typically deal with presentation mistakes and mishaps? We have a plethora of resources to help you gain control over almost any presentation scenario you might encounter. Check them out below!

Avoid Presentation Audio Problems Like a Pro

Oops! How to Bounce Back After a Major Presentation Mess-Up

3 Signs of Presentation Storytelling Doom

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