What You Need for Your Presentation

The late, great George Carlin used to do a great bit on “stuff.” He could spin 30 minutes of classic comedy about all the crap we accumulate over the course of a lifetime, defining a house – not as a home – but as a place to fill with – you guessed it – more stuff!

Of course, we all tend to accumulate more things than we’d care to have cluttering up our lives, but some of that stuff is crucial. Your husband may not agree, but where would you be without all every single one of those shoes that avalanche out of the closet every time you open the door?

When it comes to presentations, it’s easy to get a bit over-burdened with gear, but if you want to do a great job some of that “stuff” is crucial.

What do you really need the next time you present? Here is a punch list of critical must-haves.

Laptop and Projector
Clearly, you will be nowhere if you forget your your laptop on the day of your presentation, so don’t. Although you aren’t likely to head out without your computer, you wouldn’t be the first presenter to realize they had grabbed a colleague’s gear on the way out the door. Make sure you have the right one! Make sure you also have your projector. Even if you’ve been told that one will be provided, it’s a good idea to take an extra along. Don’t forget an extra bulb and all of your remotes!

Power Up
Your projector, your laptop, your remote and any number of other components you might use during your presentation all require power. I recommend bringing all of your chargers, extension cords, batteries and adapters. You never know what you’ll encounter when you arrive.

Remember Your Memory
Having your presentation backed up on a flash drive, a CD, a cloud, an external hard drive or a second computer is crucial. If you have some kind of disaster, redundancy will be your best friend. Also, have your presentation broken down on note cards or something else as well – just in case you have to wing it!

Drinks and Drugs
No, I don’t recommend hard partying before a presentation, but I do recommend bringing a couple bottles of water and any medications you might require. A bad case of hay fever or heartburn can kill your presentation, so pack your Zyrtec, headache meds, a light snack or anything else you might need to feel good for your moment in the spotlight.

Updates and Upgrades
Make sure PowerPoint or any other programs you may be using – are the latest and greatest versions available. If you find yourself in an equipment snafu you don’t want to fall right into compatibility issues when you need to open your presentation on a borrowed computer, etc.

Fresh and Clean
Bring gum, mints and hand sanitizer to your presentation. Once you complete your amazing performance your audience is going to demand lots of face time. You don’t want bad breath to put a damper on a great performance. Sanitizer is always a good idea after lots of hand-shaking with a big group. If you are on the road, your immune system is probably already stressed. Kill those bugs before they get you!

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