If you’re aiming to set goals you will keep, Monday just may be the day to do it! A psychologist study has shown that Mondays are the best day of the week for goal-setting. Now, views on Monday, the typical first day of the work week, are polarizing. Some find it refreshing, a new start to a new week. Others dread Monday, as the weekend feels so far away. Regardless of your stance on Mondays, I think we can all agree that reaching our goals is satisfying. If you love Mondays, this is an opportunity to use them to prioritize goal setting. If you don’t love Mondays, this could be a reason to look forward to them. But why?
Temporal Landmarks
Ever notice the parking lot of your favorite gym extra full in the month of January? Or have you decided to pick up a new hobby on your birthday? These circumstances are a result of temporal landmarks. A temporal landmark is a point in time that we naturally think of as an opportunity for a fresh start. Temporal landmarks come in two forms: social and personal. Social temporal landmarks are dates that are seen as a fresh start by many people collectively: New Year’s Day, the start of a month, the start of a week, etc. Personal temporal landmarks are dates that we personally see as a fresh start – birthdays, anniversaries, the start of a new job or semester, major moves or life changes. Seeing a date as a fresh start helps you infuse feelings of positivity into your goal-setting intentions.
Monday Motivation
The ultimate reason for setting a goal is to actually achieve it. Since Monday happens every week, it is a great temporal landmark to utilize. While New Years Day is a huge motivator for many, it simply doesn’t come around often enough for both short- and long-term goals. Sometimes, there is a sticky middle ground between the excitement of starting your journey and the time before you cross the finish line that requires re-evaluation. We should constantly review our objectives and the tools we have to reach them. If you are only allowing yourself to do this yearly, your potential for growth may be stunted. Rather, utilizing a weekly check-in on your progress is a great strategy for goal-setting.
The “Fresh Start Effect”
Temporal landmarks make it easier for people to separate themselves mentally from their past imperfections and failures. Research shows that we generally attribute failures or traits we deem negative to our “past selves.” Consequently, we hold a positive image of our “current selves.” The “Fresh Start Effect” is a phenomenon named by researchers who found that people are more empowered and motivated to pursue their goals when they feel like their past failures are behind them and their future success is ahead of them. This is why a day like a Monday can be so pivotal in the success of goal-setting. We may chalk last weeks’ failures up to having a “bad week.” Once we are able to find a way to have a positive outlook on the road ahead, we become better equipped to reach our goals.
Why not start today (it is Monday, after all)? Consider the day you read this blog your temporal landmark, giving you reason to start fresh. Need a partner in your goal-setting venture? Reach out to us today and see if any of our presentation services are right for you!