Why You Will Love Cinemagraphs for Presentations

I am obsessed with cinemagraphs, especially cinemagraphs in PowerPoint presentations. When I see cinemagraphs, I can hardly look away. The subtle, isolated movement, and the beautiful imagery are pleasantly hypnotic.

For a Washington Post article, Elizabeth Flock explained that cinemagraphs are somewhere between a photo and a video, a piece of artwork that seeks to perfectly capture a fleeting moment in time. 

While cinemagraphs are essentially a type of GIF, cinemagraphs should not be devalued due to the association with the trendy, and oftentimes obnoxious GIFs that flood social media sites and humorous webpages.

As explained in the article, Cinemagraphs are Animated Gifs for AdultsSo what do grownups and/or artsy types do when they want to create an image with aspects of never ending motion? They create cinemagraphs. 

Here’s how I think about the ordinary and seemingly omnipresent style of GIFs vs cinemagraphs:

  –  GIFs are typically created purely for amusement, and often look cheap.

  –  Cinemagraphs are artistic creations, and have the look of luxury.

Thanks to the serene subtlety of movement, and the deliciously artistic quality of the images, cinemagraphs are a powerful option for enhancing the look and feel of any PowerPoint presentation.

Also, because cinemagraphs breathe life into static slides, cinemagraphs add an element of storytelling, without requiring you to develop a real narrative for each slide. The movement of the cinemagraphs communicates an unspoken tale for you. Since storytelling is an important element for all presentations, the movie-esque quality of cinemagraphs is a valuable addition to any presentation.

Included below are 2 slides from an Ethos3 cinemagraph presentation:

cinemagraph powerpoint presentation


>> View more Ethos3 cinemagraph presentation slides here. <<

Conclusion: If you choose to use cinemagraphs in your presentation designs, you will likely fall in love with this style, just as I have. And your audience will love you for your creative and refreshing approach to presenting.

Contact Ethos3 to order your custom cinemagraph presentation today.

Additional Resources:

Here Is the Captivating Ad Format Facebook Hopes Will Wow Its Users

Imaginative marketing with cinemagraphs

Cinemagraphs: What it looks like when a photo moves

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