Ethos3 Tech Review: Snowball USB Microphone by Blue Microphones

As a presenter, you need to be prepared to deliver presentations in a webinar, or video conferencing format.  Online presentations are a common occurrence these days so there is no excuse for being caught off guard if you are requested to deliver your message in this format.  To be prepared for online presentations, you need a professional microphone; the audience must be able to hear you clearly, or else your entire presentation will fail.

Watch this short, informative review to find out why we recommend Blue Microphones Snowball USB Microphone (Amazon affiliate link) for webinars, video conferencing, and podcasting.  We think this little mic is exactly what you need to make sure your message is heard loud and clear during online presentations.

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Disclosure: Some of the links provided are “Amazon affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, Ethos3 will receive an affiliate commission. 

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