Presidential Presentation Power

According to the New York Times, as of Monday evening, Donald Trump is cruising on a 593 Republican delegate lead. Hillary Clinton is narrowly edging out competitor Bernie Sanders – with the former holding 1,812 Democratic delegates and the latter 1,521. By the end of the day, however, Hillary could very well increase her surplus of delegates over Bernie. So, what qualities of the leading presidential primary candidates contributed to their success so far? Ethos3 would argue that presentation style, from the words you use and the level you speak at to your speed, grammar, and body language, impacts the way audiences – and ultimately voters – perceive candidates.

From a field of 17 Republicans, Donald has come out on top. And from a field of 6 Democrats, Hillary has risen to the front of the pack. Their presentation and public speaking styles, a stark contrast. Many of their political views, too. But the power of an engaging and accessible speech remains the same across both parties and both potential 2016 presidential candidates.

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